

Thursday, March 26, 2020

#SummaryOfUniversalParticularity #SuperiorInferiority @ChristinaAguellera #BlurredLine #NeverNasty

Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, March 26, 2020
--------------- #SwearToTheGods ------------- #IDareYou
A Family Guy can get away with this since it’s just a cartoon of man, one dimension flim flam
What words come from his yap, now that’s very important and germane to the theory, BAM
Other words will not due for the Way to be expressed in phraseology concluding sinners’ soul
That’s accurate, One soul in the many broken bits and bytes of data, planted in a black hole.

Hit the enter key and you blast off into cyberspaced no place else to go, a blue screen to face
Waiting to reboot the whole shebang, hard drive, software and any other terabyte place
Twilight or daylight zones matter little since everything is dark and broken, needs a fix
Not in the arm’s mainline to the heart and brain, I’m talkin’ last breath’s corpus dilecti.

No choice in the matter, we all gotta go sometime regardless of our desire to live forever
Pretending there is a #Soul that survives the body’s extinction, well now, that’s so cute
My brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends and enemies, oh and my wife too boo
All of the human beings, moral and ethical as they see themselves, don’t know Kung Fu.

It would help to know so One could beat the Truth out of someone who knew the only One
Personally I don’t care what happens once my eyes gape wide opened, heart seizes the meme
Mind bent over in a freeze-frame state of being, wondering why nobody’s movin’ but it’s me
I am not movin’ hell my eyes ain’t even open to see, they’re open because they’re dead, gone.

A family guy in between the grave and the birth canal, deaf as a vacuum, blind H1N1 bat stew
Flew into the chef’s kitchen down the alley where the hookers roll, the GI’s play the dang fool
Think a foreign oriental loves you after her yobo went back to the world to his wife & baby too
Now you’re the one and only, a yobo to die for until the programmed virus is in the gene pool.

Then you go home and spread it from man to man, woman to woman, boy to girl & vice versa
That is how it gets around, sex and saliva and blood, hands to mouths, it will come into YOU
From two then four then eight, geometric progression to epidemic then on to pandemic Ra
Touched with DNA/RNA, great escapes will never return, God’s a body of bones, gone blue.

r j j stephan, i
c. Thursday March, 26th, 2020 A.D. @ 6:66 PM PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to christina_aguillera_ #SomethinsGotAHoldOnMe & #HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/TZFQgqhNoEI }

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