Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, April 18, 2020
------------------- #ToolsForChange --------------------
Ship’s undercover, I lost most of it with my nerve on cliff hangin’ One love, as above, so below
Joints of phalanges broke up with each other, fell apart like love of a god’s pall, arrow & bow
Hot one in the dream when you’re all locked in and cannot escape the dead gold mine’s ride
In a groove, in a vein’s artery from the bone’s adhesive keepin’ muscle meat on, a dead bride.
Fear the miracles that will defy your understanding of the nature of Being human, all too One
Hearts merge into One Love of the islands where the horsemen came, shat and left us alone
It’s either supernatural or underground of this Earth, down at the core of Being, unpaid rents
One who arrived into the eggs in geometric progression into a myriad of punks’ faux parents.
Took all of my money, my new car, my old truck, my children, all 6 girls from 3 to 16 and God
I don’t believe in the divine anymore because the Lord tooketh away after I gave all my blood
To the people who were born and raised by theoretical idiots, morons from One out of phase
Where ethics and morals are either non-existent or a non-issue for the monsters of midways!
In a mirror or glassy, reflective water surface, image returned is the image sent from Hades
Or maybe Valhalla where the great Zeus and demi-gods of the elders extinct lore, it all fades
On the cave walls or on the papyrus with red blood running down the flip side, command of 3
What you should and should not do or you’ll be punished, physically, mentally, emotionally.
Utter domination of the subordinates, just like the ape troupes who live and die in the cages
Of the mice and men in their cages and the entire menagerie of anima and fauna, Ma changes
From a bit of an exploded chunk of the #BigBang, we’ve come and gone with or without You
Who you are is what you think you are, you know your Self, a Will to Be is all just B.U.

Winners get an extra good feeling that losers miss and will never get here & now, losers suck
The narrow way is only one way and there’s no turning back because there’s nothing left over
Once upon a time, in black, empty Space, there was Light, a burning tank full of gas, fired Up
On the way down to the emptiness where atomic energy is depleted, a heap of God’s catsup.
Bloody bones & bleached hair cover the spirit soul with the fear of dying, eternally immortal
In the graves with the headstones to remind the ones above ground that It’ll be so very awful
Or become the contents of a decorative Urn on the mantel of your greatest grandsons’ wives
Appearance of a Form’s shape-shift is all H2O, game’s over, an unmoved mover flipped fives.
r j j stephan, i
c. Saturday, April 18th, 2020 A.D. @ 3:11 AM PST
{ Drafted whilst listenin’ to EricClapton.pl & Duane Allman's 1957 Les Paul Goldtop on youTube #Jam5 link @ https://youtu.be/64e-QkJiTMc }
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