Red rocks get the attention, watch this roll from Memphis to Cairo, lookin’ for the queens
Kings just one move at a time, up, down, left, right, that’s all there is my Kings of jalopies
If and only if you are the One who traps the lost and idiotic, then you can serve nobody, eh?
Yes, that means You and I, we serve somebody we don’t know by any name other than Ga!
No, not the dictator, the king or queen or the proletariat but it is the chairman of the phqdup
Meaning what I meant bored to be serving somebody will get you a ticket to ride out of here
In Space, here and in this Time, now we know what must be done for food and toiletry paper
No rest for the wicked and no rest for the good and especially for the ugly, need to wrap it up.
Invisible mountains, boulders, rocks and stones turning pebbles into the cosmic gunpowder
It will blow but nobody knows when, we know why though, the rocks of this planet serve It
Cosmically terrestrial yet within and without the 208 bones you call your Self, that’s chowder
Burn them or bury them at the end and it won’t matter to any souls left above and below It.
Still of whiskey and burning plants under the moon’s shinin’ reflective light of the dark star
Bright in the day, red hot like a philosopher’s stone, crimson ruby red with the magic Word
It’s a gamble to get One but if and when you do, everything will become as clear as Web mud
In a gnarled mess of order and chaos, the confusion and order is astounding, said a li’l bird.
Pumpin’ it up to a higher level, decibels in a ultraviolet realm where even the evil ones steer
Clear of the Void that will suck them into oblivion, as they deserve since they forgot the tear
Bribes are a comin’ to shut your yap and be as silent as the lambs who haven’t been born yet
They’ll get their cotton sheered and be naked lamb chops in two shakes, no time at all, shyat!
Heard the herd call of the tame and wild, it’s a silent scream for something in outer Spacers
Cunning and innocence mix well with the hammerheads who claim to be usurper scammers
Think of it this way for a moment then go back to your Earth dirt replicated, numbskull fauna
Exist without The Code, DNA born to a cat’s Pride, a goddess’ Singularity, We’re One, Duh!
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche 19 avril deux mille vingt, Anno Domini
#ONE #ThatsAllFolks

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