Ill illusions and perfect comedy from idiots burned out of morons’ eggs of the fatherless feets
Staunch follower of the end of time and space, twisted to Time and Space’s human backseats
It hurts and it feels good when it’s all over, we are in the middle of the best day of our life, yes
No other way to see the Truth than to take blinders off and be innocent again, be a GD pest!
If you are the last one of the species on Earth, enjoy your last days, Yogi bear comin’ you tools
All of the progeny of the ones who came before you and I, will be both dead and gone forever
Only pictures and words before the entire solar system supernova’s itself, collapsing the fools
Nothing to eat up in the woods & hills, in the mountains and valleys, #DaBears wanna share.
Funk and garbage have the stench to attract the hungry and forlorn stinkers who need water
Can’t take a bath or a shower when you’re homeless and far away from riverbeds of mother
Soap and shaving the hair off of the skin reminds us that we’re more than smoke and buds
Dead and gone ancestral lines, nowhere to be found, their essence swallowed by Void gods.
Everybody on Earth on all seven continents on all seven seas, near the rivers & live streams
Live but will die because it’s the nature of Life, to live then to die, both in violence’s creams
Coming alive in a darkness is very traumatic, a light flash at birth causes total amnesia, lame
Nothing remembered from the past before breathing, last breath no doubt is One & the same.
Fame & honor will be in the dirt like your male appendages eventually, drink more #151 rum
Finished after much ado about absolutely nothing but the viral and bacterial infections scum
Vote for me, for you or for both Us & Them, either way in any case, all in your holy, godhead
As a nut twisted on a stripped bolt, screwed around your mother’s opulent, empty, deadhead!
r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, #Rocktober Five, 2020 Anno Domini @ 7:11 AMPST #ShellShocked
{ Drafted while in the wake of listenin’ to the mighty Armstrong & Getty on Talk 650 KSTE 06:00 - 10:00 AMPST & DURING COMMERCIALS ONLY, listenin’ to HARDY #Rednecker in a loop link @ & Kenny Chesney #WhenTheSunGoesDown link @ oh & then watchin’ the massive collection of Rocky & Bullwinkle link @ }
#AllTooHuman - @Nietzsche
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