
Thursday, March 25, 2021

#KeepItAllToYourself #UnwindThatSheet #MindYourP's&Q's #Groovin' #KeepOnDancin #RareEarth #ItsOver #ETC #CryptoCryptsOfStenchBostonMasons

#Bloodsucking #RottenDeadBodies #Rats #BubonicPlague #HaveMercy

Swabbin' this dream's poop decks, subs & air carriers, crawl, swim, float, jumpin' to fly
Scholars who become educated in serving somebody, someone's population of blue sky
Traded for a first round draft pick of people unproven to win but hell broke loose, Adam
Legend of One man who got here all alone without Eve, no thoughts that pigs are ham?

At a barbeque, discussions of special interest silver bullets, red, blue or purple bee hive
Grandparents of the grandchildren are cured of their ignorance of being alive, the most fit survive
Shaken bones and strangled air oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen all combine to make me die of CO2's
It's a minor choke, a little nudge nearly out of this world, another dimension's fork in the blues.

Power to cause effects is the forte of the conscious human yet it's a power fading into deep wood
In the center of the forest's field of wet or dry dreams, you wake up from all of them just for food
To eat and drink and be merry for tomorrow we won't, the Will, the Soul dies with the 208 bones
Neither human, inhumane animals nor anchored plants will survive a Black Hole's Singularity, son!

Thought about the words, what the sounds mean to the mind, construing the Truth to be False
Empty mind launched into outerspace, mental processes of astronauts & cosmonauts, no bawls
Nothing is much more infinite than a finite #Pipedream, a microscopic dream within a wetdream
As above, so below this Earth's ground of being, a planet of the Sun, At One god, infinity's system.

I will desire and want not what I cannot get, I paid for what I needed and I got what I wanted, so
I am ready to roll, I saw and then I came right down into the fray, here with y'all in the league too
No trade clause in my contract, got me where you want me, obedient to categorical imperatives
Beholding to the thirst and hunger that was nurtured by mother's milk and A, B, C formula jives.

Apes from Chicago move on to the suburbs of everywhere else, crossed rivers, found a fool's gold
From worms to ants, birds and bees, the world turned for them, never for angels with cherry pies
Like you my friend, yes you, reading this is not a panacea to help sit back, relax and watch the lies
Masquerade as lunatic Truths written in commanded lightening & thunder-cracked rock I rolled!

r j j  stephan, i  *EyesCriedSorrow #DivingInTheBayForPearls
c.  March 25, 2021 Anno Domini @ 3:33 AMPST
{  Jammed out of the blackness of Space while listenin' to @RoyOrbison concert @ https://youtu.be/MeKZJNev9Ds & #ZygoticYouGotIt on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/QNAVrQ96mpA & @BobDylan #YouGotToServeSomebody link @ https://youtu.be/wC10VWDTzmU & #ThingsHaveChanged #WaterIsUnderTheBridge #JustPassinThrough #LockedInTight #WorldsGonnaExplode #EyesUsedToCare link @ https://youtu.be/L9EKqQWPjyo  }

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