
Sunday, May 30, 2021

#AGodsDamOfVooDooHooDoo #ZappaScatAndLoveBone #WhatInTheNameOfZeus #BeJolie

What you would do if you could do what's sufficient & necessary, the sky's just a speed limit
Necessary slowdown for being conceived, involuntarily too human in a fake Greco-Roman skit
Played well as oscar & emmy winners, globe award just for writin' holy WORD of pinkish flesh
Speed of sound hatched from DNA grime of an old man's scum, microscopic, so oozing, fresh.

It's A Sign from above and below here and now, a symbolic representation of a thing itself
What will be will be, if was meant to be, y'all are up a lazy ol' shtze crique without a paddle
Moonshine is best if and only if you make it and don't actually drink it, it'll kill a good man
It's a sold, done deal and it could happen when you walk this middle Way of death's rattle.

I'm neither your parent, teacher nor your preacher but this is becoming all you get from me
An honor to #Zap you with the bows and arrows to come into your door of perception, to see
Or not to see, to ignore & obfuscate the reality behind your birth, death & necessary 7th son
Sufficient propositions to justify the necessary conclusions of inductive and deductive reason.

Bones evolved to hand your head and shoulders over to the misjudgment of Time's Spaces
Fact that I thought that thinking itself was the key to the Truth about existence and essences
As loud as the last explosion of sound in a deaf man's ears, that's how the TNT just has to be
Get jiggy with beginning from the #getGo and deducing your presence and barbwire fences.

Faith in what blind men cannot touch, can't see or feel but CAN hear the blinding infrared light
Words concocted from past meanderings of poor, suffering patients without psychiatrists' screed
Bumps in the road predictable past, all over them all, whether high or low, it's a party o'er here
Who it is that searches for & finds The Miraculous is the One who unconsciously knew forever.

Proof is both over 180 but also in the pudding, the pie and a pussycat evolved to thinketh I am
Yet if I was not then I wouldn't be typing words which mean Nothing to anyone, I am old S.A.M.
Hidden in plain view from the sky's eyes, above and below the surface to air inside the cavemen
Ignited-split atomic minds left over from a Big Bang philosophy of heaven or a tribe warrior Zen.

There can and will be no mistake and no doubt about the Truth, it's naked and without clothes
Not even a shroud to cover the naked ape's skin and bone housing of the frozen soul of a Rose
From a seed in the dirt, flower and fruit rises to get high above gravity only to succumb, to Fall
Or winter, spring, summer, Earth's spinnin' & revolvin' is all there is, Big Bang, boom, that's All!

Not your parent, friend nor law enforcement and certainly not your cosmic soup slop, not God
Highly improbable that you will read this and then rattle my cage for clarification, get the nod
Meaning is relative and you may or may not be mine but I'm leavin' you this ruby gem, it's #Lit
"Monkey see, monkey do," grandma told me THAT spice of life was true, Darwinian pasta too!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche, May XXXth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 4:44 AMPST
{ #LittleGreenBag #ReservoirDogsSoundtrack inspiration link @ https://youtu.be/-ozaAvQYG_c & A BOATLOAD of @FrankZappa link @ https://youtu.be/UD5y5SbQaos }

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