
Monday, May 31, 2021

#MotherlineMeAndTheVoid @EricChurch #ItsOverWhenItsOver @LennyKravitz #EmptiedHairDreads

Googling Nuke missile strikes from A, L & Sea, the Bees will sting, it's all over, holy one #FakeNews
Holy scat can't be denied, it's payday for clean sweeps of good times in outer space, loved my booze
Landed animals in the phylum & the class A uniforms of windbags & vultures who're on a salt sea hunt
Princes & their queen mothers are here & now, conceiving the no-brainers, winning on 3rd down punts.

Miraculous effects of The First Cause math, calculus is there in front of your third eyes, yo minions
Drank the coke and the sevens up and Jack, it was not easy to recommend myself, one of seven sons
Yet here I am right in the middle of the fray, days or years, maybe minutes before I die, so lay it on
Thick as a clay brick just out of the kiln, as hot as lava but there's no reason for the pain, we're done.

Dudes in the trunk & they are going bat chit crazy, claustrophobic & soon to die, breed @speed
Seeing in the mirror just to make sure you're here, you'll leave the iron wall believing it's all free
Somnambolistically yours and I know you can't relate so, just go back to sleep and set your sails
You're no free choice in any case, you're trapped in the jungle at the end of the trail, the entrails.

Dead and gone, silent as the empty space between your ears and outside of the Earth spinning
Mother Nature is fooled, this is a dream within a dream and she has no idea that's mortal sinning
Doin' what comes natural is not so natural afterall, it's against the divine law of the invisible Ga
Cavemen hooked up chariots on griffin to the sky and saw Nothing up close, Siscumba, Ra Ra Ra.

Take those lugnuts off, drop your rubber and replace with the coffin dirt, Earth above, below's fun
That's what it was all about, same as an aborted fetus or misconceived promotion, overloaded one
Not only are you ignorant and unenlightened, you cannot be redeemed by your tiny baby android
You knew the score, imprinted signals of invisible chokin' forkballs onto the Sun's flat-lined Void.

Puny and impudent due to the nature of the bastardized beast, a priest, a nun, a baby, a holy one
You've got to hand it to the handmaidens and if you don't, it won't matter because it is what it is
Meaning that you've got no control over any of the causes and effects of the world, not now or ever
Dream that you've got the power and you fight an opposing power with adept rings of God's power.

Drug things' Oneness through muck & mire, too far gone 'fore a Big Bang's Dwarf killed the MILF
Sorry for you & my mama bein' in a coma, it'll expire for all to be oblivious, not to be know-it-alls
Became fillers of empty, holy, dirty holes dug 6 foot downunder dead ash, play paddy cake yourself
A lowrider's cool cucumber ways & means, to unwed mother cholos, the amiga cardiac arrest calls.

Worked for the gravy that I ate 'til it disappeared, then nothing was left over for a nutty riddle
They cried and starved to death because they didn't know how to hunt & cook the hot vittles
Somethings are no good, some are evil, opposite of live & dead and gone away to all My Space
Thunder above & below, I'm grounded in being here & now, love me & GTF out my #GD Face!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, Memorial Day, #freedomAINTfree May 31st, 2021 Anno Domini @ 7:11 AMPST
{  Jammed to @EricChurch #OverWhenItsOver in a loop on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/102HX7VMaeY )

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