
Monday, May 31, 2021

#ChillinOvertimeAsleepInMyStationWagon #IsItFridayYet #HellNo #ItAintKilledMeYet #HeSaidDADDY

Monks who hide are free devils in caves & hovels of mud, in which they shiver when fear rises
To keep them warm and ready for battle at any moment, twenty four hours everyday in crisis
Sleeping with one eye open because nobody really ever has your back, most folks blink, I did
Apes fast asleep at the wheel when driving in the desert at night, no headlights, off the grid.

Porcupines and eels just two amazing lives of the many, in defense of their hearts & souls
Ready to poke or shoot some spine or even electric-shock the apeman to immobilize limbs
Nothing but fear to defend myself agains, embodied by the ignorant and the lame past tense
Fine point to establish the facts, I feed threatened, I'm armed, dangerous and foster silence.

Invoice to list the charges and the taxes I must pay the master of the planet, 7 pounds of skin
I don't have that much on me so I am searching for someone who matches an imaginary icon
Civilian or military in the mix with anyone else in good physical and economic shape for good
Or bad or ugly, in any case, a trifecta of always and forever, dictates the dick, so in the mood.

This siren calls and I move to objectify the subject at hand, near death experience my #NDE
In one moment, everything changed, what has been taken for granted is now the what I see
Random shots in the darkness' penumbra, exhibit A, you're here, exhibit B is Life's too human
It's all innocence, no worried brows 'cause there's no beginning to IT, it is what it is, Sam I am!

Scene 1 and Round 3 of the match between Love and the other panaceas goin' around town
Jack Daniels helped me hang in there too, for a round or two, gone to  Church lyric sneakin'
Up in my craw by where I feel like I gotta burst out of the bag, kickin' & screamin' to bleedin'
Black & blue but I never knew what runnin' the dozens meant to the trip, up with yo' mama.

Fecal toxicity will kill you, you'll be full of the bull's scat both literally and figuratively, in tune
You will be alive until the day you die, that's one of the facts of life, no charge but I take tips
Watched rivers and the lakes for the boats, kayaks and swimmers and how many died today
Drowned or accidentally killed by man or animal or clumsy intent, then reincarnated as a boy.

Baby grown up to an old man in a century of grim grief and ecstatic moments of blissful glow
It's the easiest thing to do, just let it all be and take one last gasp of breath in unknown blow
You know what I mean, you know the thing, what I'm trying to say is, it's the harbinger's high
Planet or a saint's savior who died & went to Space's heaven of the halo-way, living color dye.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Monday, Memorial Day, May XXXIst, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 4:44 PMPST
{ Like pops taught me, Truth, #LiveInFrance @EricChurch @ https://youtu.be/nYq5K40juA4 }

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