
Friday, June 11, 2021

#RareEarth #HITSfromTheGods #HowIGotStrungOutOnSongsFromSixToNine #DreamChasedFromRiverToSea @Satriani #DontStareAtTheSunDuh

Golfing on the courts' parquet floor and thowin' down the slam dunks on the 18th hole
Mundane spokes in a wheel keep the tires from collapsing, into the Void of the daymare
Monkeys devolved into things themselves you and I are the ones we've been waitin' for
In a fortunate turn of random events, easy street opened a trip, now go jump in the lake.

Frozen ice on the dark side of the planet's moonshine gas got colder than dark star dust
Rubber praise to the lord & pass the ammunition to all of the brothers from other mothers
In a field of honor, where dead men fear to go, their ending of the thing called love of gang
No more madness only silence like before conception, before the Big Bang of the Shebang.

Dead and gone, here and now, there and then, why and when, it's a miracle evolved jizzum
A second or a century of Earth spins, starlight lost in Space through spins of Earth in Time
Molecules and atoms recombined until the first was the last and vice versa, et ad infinitum
If you don't believe me, get on your knees and pray, there isn't any other Way, devil-lived.

You're a fake and the winner is your father in heaven that guards the empty Void, like a rock
Pretty as the moment the mirror cracked for the seven years of bad luck, it was six and change
Then sudden impact of the intent working as the tool that emits Thor's hammerin' Woodstock
Opulence of opals and the sacrilegious sapphires sparkle for me, for whom bells toll, let's rock!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedi, June 12th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 12:01 AMPST
{ Glided to a stop at the pumpkin patch listenin' to @RareEarth #GetReady on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/6Ngwmf4Sz84 }

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