
Wednesday, June 09, 2021

#TimeRollsOn @CHICAGO #GeeksLostInSpace #RiceCrispyTreatThis #SHOTS? #UpTownGirl #BottomsUp @Nickelback @BillyJoel & @CasaNobleSantana #LIVE2021

Pink's everything you can rob a woman for, settle everything in her heart's love, it's all on fire
As hot as a fully discharged arm of fire, unloaded at the playground bullies, thug gang for hire
Prisons full of little boys and girls, grown up and phuqt up from the ones who carry loads less
Of the mice and men who watch TV and listen to the Marconi, shootin' shots into the darkness.

Fortune and the dumb luck of the good, bad and slightly ugly boys and girls with lips cherry red
Melted the cheese and my skin over my biceps and thighs, I know less than I can admit, she said
But I knew it was all a lie, nobody can tell the truth because it is unbelievable, upto prevarication
I don't care if you like it or not, in fact if you don't like it, I understand it means more for the One.

In the finale of the play you & I act as if it's not a play on words in Time & Space, hallucination
Real as if that means anything at all, it's sensory and we feel it, we ascertain it, originally a sin
Now it's only another way to make another soul come here to #BluePlanet's worthless spinning
In a counterclockwise spin causing a wobble of the matter within, dirt graves & a worm's king.

Civilian or military is all too human a way of behaving on seven continents full of blinded fate
Monkeys moving, cramps came to my mother for me to gain a narrow way, darlin'?  She's gone
A promise I can make that I know I can't break in my lifetime, as long as my mind eye can rate
That is to remain the thing itself until the form and shape of what it is fails to inseminate bone.

Simplified minds of the gods who NEVER show their faces because they have none, not even One
Whatever you think you know, you probably don't and if you're really sorry, you may be forgiven
On the other hand, you may NOT be forgiven and that ain't funny at all, a lost love caused by y'all
Each & every one of the babies who grew up into the men & women phuqin' up a divine football.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, June 9th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 12:00 AMPST
{ I've changed again like a chameleon in a #Woke dream in a dream & listenin' to the shadows
& darkness on the edges of this #Dublin @Springsteen #LIVE https://youtu.be/EYX6mN2R5OI & @ChicagotheBand #ChicagoIX Greatest Hits Vol ! link @ https://youtu.be/1pdEh0JZhlo }

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