
Friday, October 15, 2021

#LTDresources #ComeOnman #BackOffBrokenPrince #Eagles #DesperadoLIVE #SoylentGreenIsPeepo #ChuckieHeston #LucilleBall

As pretty as the morons and idiots who were born on Earth to our mothers & fathers, we're a FAX
Umpires will call you out on a checked swing, you're OUT and you've got nothing but an anti-climax
In the space of four bases, first to home is a long way but it's right there in front of your hot blood
You can't always get what you want even if you try to go up to bat and feel the ball crash the wood.

Kigns and queens are as special as they've always been, who fights for the peace and war to kill a son
You do, they do but I do not, War is only the disagreement between the weak and the strong, all pain
Nothing is going to last forever even if it's lasting after you personally exit the fromage of the climax
Just an ejaculation and a conception of what has been since the creatiion of spontaneous combustion.

Being the first or the last is not important in the extinction of the species, it's all the way it's gonna be
Sitting on your nuts like a squirrel on the top of your fence, lookin' in while you're lookin' out for them
Keeping a corraled tree in a garden of Eden is the paradise of varmints & pretty whims of high women
You gotta go back to Eden, fly like a loose eagle who never got lost but flew the coup to live in the sky.

Idiots  & infidels born  like the genii who make your three wishes come true, illusion of kicked sueprs
Keep it all queer like your brothers and sisters born from other mothers and fathers, cosmic blackness
It's death to you, the end of your life and you're not goin' to Valhalla, all cows and bulls will be burgers
Or just dust and bones in a box of wood or satin sheets, full of hot formaldyhyde & apriocot preserves.

Dead and alive we cry to the empty skies that we've been cheated on, you wife, your husband, all gone
Moving on to the rest of the story, the rest of the living dead on a rock in the middle of nowhere, Bill?
William the Shat, fired it up, pulled the trigger & now the vision of nothing at all resumes a life of Me
Reason & purpose can take a hike, you're lucky you've been born & get the chance, to be or not to be!

Underground is below the dirt but not the full six feet, just under the topsoil, black or red dirty laundry
All left turns even if it's just One Way, the only way is the way you wil lenver go, it's a matter of Time
In the empty space both above and below this vast planet of the ape & worm, the warantee is expired
Something is wrong becuase it's apparent that Nothing is right, matter, energy, time, Space, God dead.
r j j  stephan, i
c.  ROCKTOBER 15th, 2021 Anno Domini
{ Jammed while listenin' to the mighty two whiteys, @Armstrong_Getty sharin' profits on the SWAG & listenin' to the dialogue & monologue as presented @kste650AM & often listenin' to #Desperado by the @Eagles on youtube link @ https://youtu.be/Z_s1KIJA5cw }

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