
Sunday, October 10, 2021

#GiJoe #SchmoOfBlowBack #NotAwkward @EricMcKnight & @JJCALE #CrAzYMama #HitIt

You came along one day out of the emptiness, thank the skies and creator above
Because below down here, right where we al are, it can be the damned of gods
Where you came from and who you think you are isn't important to your dream
What is germaine to situational ethics is ME & that you can take down to a stream.

If she love you you will know and if she doesn't love you, well you'll know that too
I will always still be asleep & just a con of the cream, foaming or flat, it's all there is
Everyday this world spins and wobbles on it's invisible axis, a day spends its live death
Urban flavors come into living rooms and then you opine on the effective bad breath.

Useful to become the nature of the beast, to completely understand the meaning of God
It's nothing you'll ever see but always attempt to fix your blind faith in the mind and body
Communing with the dead and buried, some even sunk in Davy Jones' locker or lit on a pyre
Everybody isn't seeing eye to eye about the same thing, it's all about the Benjamins player.

You'll get what you deserve when the days and nights no longer appear to your sensation
You won't see or hear it coming, you might smell it and then if you're lucky, taste it all hot
From the fire that caught your dresses and apnts with their skirts and pants down a level
Points and bases foundations of the elements, Earth, Wind, Fire, left spirits to be a rebel.

From where it comes nobody knows and where it's all gonna go, same nobody knows it
Whether you see eye to eye with me or not, you will discover meaning in the meaningless
Nobody's fault but my own, there's nothing to blame on any other being, in or out of here
Stalkers and the prey they mount and eat, just hunters with a bone to pick, just drink beer.

Blink and wink with same four eyes that saw the beginning of my world, a womb conception
Left the Void behind me and jumped right into the quickest sand on planet Earth, mortal sin
It's OK to be me, don't you worry and you'll be happy with your ignorant bliss, step in hands
Out of the set-ups you believe in there are some that materialize the things themselves, and...

It's a great wave of tidal proportions accomodated from your pencil neck wisdom to the groom
Know it when you see it since it's where you came from in the beauty's beast of evolution doom
Reat in peace with your life and death as it was, it will always be that way, presence eagle flight
Left it ALL behind, moved away from a copied product of the fallen angels, One darkstar's light.

Beautiful that the beasts love me for who I was and will be but not for who I Am, the One's Id
Came before and after the climax that only the gods realize when they plow through my kids
It's what they always wanted & what they'll always get, one way or another, Timing's everything
Farther you recede from the starlight the closer you are to the happy ending, it'll make you sing.

It might be a love song or the blues of the love gone home fo the duration of the game, no joke
Funny or just a sheer bomb of cherries & peaches, from Washington or Georgia, I'd be so woke
If only the fruit of the womb would settle down in the pit where the pendulum swings to & fro
Imagine this, you're dead now and you've been dead forever, that's why you're here & now bro!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  ROCKTOBER 10, 2021 Anno Domini @ 4:44 PMPST
{ Got a draft of this humane scat and put in the form of real man's poem, no girl or woman here & probably won't be until I find her, #SomebodytoLove, @GlennFrey on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/bgkWFrczwYs }

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