
Saturday, March 05, 2022

#Beats #Bonks #BumsOnHwy160 @AliciaKeyes cryin' #AintButOneWayOut #CantGoOutTheDoor #Sorry #HappilyMarriedMan #MightBeYoManIJustDontKnow @STYX



Don't shoot the messenger man, I began this dream, you know the one I mean?  You.
Meaning not me, you in the singular and plural sense, no nonsense, a sixth sense screw
As in the species' extinction or survival of the fittest, you got an advantage here & now
None of the dead and neither the aborted or born unborn faetuses are alive, yet I am.

Remember this my girls who came from the other men's loins, disguised as The Father
Hades just the same as the heavens above and below this ground of being, I Am A One
Neither of us will ever see the light of the revolutionary days in 3000 AD, so have fun
No choice other than all too human nulliparous function of the calculus, son, oh son!

Daughters care about the boys goin' off to war without getting the seeds of destiny
Embryonic or not, Earth's planetary orbit about the white dwarf or whatever Sun Is
Sonny boys and good, little girls goin' to L.A. or the NYC, forever same as never ever
Meaning of the Word, historical records of philosophies of wise women's sons' glee.

They thought that living meant nothing if you did not know why you screw the dates
That is the thing, without you, without me, there's nothing, no men or women mates
Guilty pleasure all inside of your skull, firing off the neurotic neurons, a spinnin' wheel
But one last thing, last gulp of the trip down the hatch, this trip was a grave old deal.

Disfunction of the heartbeat, it stops pumpin' the iron out of blocked ventricular dust
Ghost's recollection fade into deep space where At Rest is blind faith's departed rust
Big sister made me get on this one side and not on the other side, where UFO's park it
Changing the water into wine, it's better to drink and get high as cumulus cloud phqit.

Fussing with all of the microcosms on the edge of the twilight zone, you can't forget It
Fact is, you and I both know for certain that all of the dead folks you've seen are gone
James or Richard, fame & the fortune of the Word, the sound of the name, it's the chit
Of the queens who found the kings to punch the egg full of a mighty Word, cornpone.

Too fast to live and not young enough to die, you gotta be born out of the Void's first
Abort worm species' chance of survival until the Big Bang repeats as a collapsing dicks
Holy and black, deeper than the sea we know here and now, gargantuan bone hearse
Everyone & everything is at One or it's broken up into a Tequila hangover, A-bomb fix.

Lady luck has nothing to do with the myth that we're here, lucky to be the pillow fluff
Dreamin' something to do with being sentenced to hard time, here you are without fur
Love and the lack of it is all it's about, beautiful or ugly, inside you want the same stuff
What it is?  Feeling the care for another, the selflessness of being in love with another.

Or the loss of it all, last breath to breathe in & out, no more starshine, old news fakes
Gasp!  Caput.  Now then, beauty in the devil's disguise gettin' me burned at the stakes
Good day in shared Hades southbound lanes, Witch's Warlocks & me in a Fast Lane ID
Paid tolls, shots down in aborted flames, carcasses' souls' silver dollars & a #19 CoVid.

Gods' underground, above & below it, neither in nor of nor about it, a backstage pass
Yo' self is all there is, see you tomorrow but never again yesterday, it is all gone y'alls
My mistaken sight & sound present & moving until I can't be moved on, I am the last
Birth, Death, Infinity, it's a subway or a beltway or a skyway, home sweet home calls.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, March the Fifth, Twenty-Twenty-Two Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{  Fresh @AllmanBrothers inkblot merge with the Unknown listenin' to #SweetMelissa & #HITS of the gypsies link @ https://youtu.be/veBhBMfKOhc & #HappilyMarriedMan by @DuaneAllmanAnthologyVolII }

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