
Sunday, September 04, 2022


Two fives 'll get you ten, it's ain't plumbing or garden gnomes smokin' clover
Drop hours like moments in an invisible can, FALL TO WINTER SPRING
Minds & naked bodies are out on the streets with or without me, start it over
Again it's still rockin' the roll & rollin' with the rock, it's Time to ALL sing.

Wasted as the masters must be to both see, hear, taste & swallow birds
Cows cut into pieces with the fish & rest of the other fowl, eaten words
You want to double your money, cash on the barrel heads down under
Never wasted Time, evermore with or without you, it will be done for.

Meat between buns, hot pies of fruit and nuts, the gods were all good
On my mind, not on yours and that's so God's in the dam of fine food
Being and Nothingness right before my very eyes, flashed me a jive ass
My daughters came to help the stupid sons, miracles can't always pass.

The muster was all said and done, cheers and jeers for faked multiplicity
Fond few and their emptied contents between their ears, a dead skull G
Gods fooled the fools, created in the image of the Gods, fools are all One
Monkeys started talkin' then they started walkin', here & now, y'all ARE!

What? Recollect whom? Remember when... I know, I know, Simon says
Presence to get the gist of the arguments for and against your existences
Dirty Earth, either filling Space up with theoretical jargon or payin' a Sin
Third stone we are, after you read a theory in a book, professor Chagrin.

For the last time, Fireman's last thrust into the Void impact, a gold dawn
Burning the fuel as it should, eternity isn't final, it's infinitely here & now
Just be quiet and all the worlds of words go away, far, far away, cash cow
No worries, survival of the fittest, forging a mortal quest & IT IS ALL gone.

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, September 4th, 2022 A.D. @ 1111 hours
{ Leave It Behind, It wasn't really wasted like you supposed but you're proof that Eagles fly wasted, alone, in rhythm's rhyme's link to somewhere Y'ALL know @ https://youtu.be/hfD3YVJrlt8 }


  1. You inspired this sad girl struggling with another's life and death which is a part of her own death and life. Poor middle aged gal, soon to be an orphan doesn't know what to do.
    .... you're the coolest person I know...🎲🎲🎲...ses

  2. @OrganicChemistry y’all #DontAskDontTell @Tom_SullivanShiw


YOUR 2 cents...if you don't mind? ;-)