
Friday, September 02, 2022

#HotDogs & #Buns #BBQweekendMemorial #HonorTheFallen #CoverYourSixes

We all gotta go, am I right or wrong?  If you're old enough to bleed, you'll know where it sits
What I say I've been told by more than one person in dialogue or conservation of a crime scene
Being the only ones left in the middle of nowhere is a big deal, come se, come sa, no big deal
Punks and junkies letting all of the orphaned children into the niteclub of n'er-do-well misfits.

Marking the spots on the page of rice paper in a volume marked #TopSecret chit over here
Looked for the reason for idiots and morons ruling our world & couldn't find hide nor hair
Sudden impact of nothing itself, right before my very eyes, staring death's laugh in the face
Green and pink just shades of the blazing hydrogen blasts from 93 million miles in the race.

Completed the equations and got the answers on the cheat cheat, no rock or stone to unturn
Every formula to use as the way to figure out all answers to the proverbial question, Gods Hit
It's exactly the first thing out of my pie hole when I observe the nature of humanity's dimwit
I am a one of them, I look in the mirror and hear the back room secrets about the bully's chit.

Barrier to the holy of holies deep within where even brave men fear to go, no fighting power
Sparring is fine but stopping short of the fight is wise, smart if you want to avoid death pains
Even if the suffering doesn't last long, the recollection of the origin's intent behind this fight
Dirty Mr. Clean, full of clear matter and form you may never know intimately, yet you might.

Will inside of your being, wants to wield the power of nature to do anything at any time at all
Power to cause effects which follow the logic and reason of heat & cold, hard & soft at live ball
It blows, it rolls and shatters up against the wall upon the sudden impact behind the pan gods
Whistlin' through the piccolo pipe, bamboo flute, holes of the scales FACE & EGBDF, hot rods.

Music and it's total annhilation both treble & bass, no more melodies and rhythms of the stars
Explode in your mind and figure out the answer to the hypothetical question, stay out of bars
Taverns with spirits and the fine wine to get you all to the top of the heap, driving intoxicated
Drunk as a skunk which never get drunk at all, memory exit, forget you were Self annhilated.

Complete you education and then die with a whimper, nobody cared you were here, oh yeah
Fine lines and fine wines all move along the line from curve to curve, even ol' dead man's ones
We know, you all know, I know there's a gift, conception & your spark of divinity, only chance
To be or not to be and justify your existence during a solar devolution into the climax of suns.

Big gravitational collapse you will never know about, you've nothing to do with co-creation
Created is where it all ends, afterlife is a condition of fear and loathing for the unknown Sin
Mortal, venial, original one way or the other, the power that Is One, claims back on the tab
Portal between worlds, hid in the mind, not inside of the human body, just call a taxi or cab.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, September 2nd, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 1400 hours
{ Drafted while listenin' to the @Eagles #WastedTime LIVE link @ https://youtu.be/2qrmfed2VTg }

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