Sorrow straight jacket of tears, weeping & gnashing of my false teeth
Honoring fake unknown fathers & dead mothers who died on two feet
Workin’ days & nights depending on whims of customer service drool
Peaceful or hectic, either way on the timeline, everything will be cool
Being other than the run of the mill student, I had summer school too
Actually flunked English & American Literature due to evil men’s tools
Priests and laymen of the cloth bringing the idiots into a room of fools
Bringing darkness where there used to be pure rainbow, cosmic stew.
No pride for the lions, they stole the cats’ familiar refrain, here Kitty!
For once in my life or maybe it was twice in somebody else’s life I see
Here and now, right in front of my naked eyes with glass lenses in hell
Thinkin’ everything through to the end, a function of failure & survival.
Buying time without money here in Space is impossible, buck an hour
Besides the obvious fact of life that Five will get you Ten, all in power
Until your 208 bones don’t move on Earth anymore, you eat humble pie
If and only if you’re not in a straight jacket, we all just higher to go fly.
Woke up to smell the roses, had to get to worm’s before early singing
Hungry to metabolize the Earth’s squirming life, runnin’ & composting
Just a bird on the bush, on the ground, on a branch of a tree, all dying
Right there in front of a God’s damned hunting cats, feed ‘em hunting.
Die if they don’t eat but they’re full of the grain & filler, still need to fly
Hunting is not the way of the inner self, the DNA genetic bone marrow
Filled up with punks making out with opposite triggers, dead tomorrow
Kids grown into other mean genes of the matrix, time to stop the cry.
To live and die without a reason is terrible, therefore it’s gotta be fixed
It’s not just to be or not to be, it’s out of the question, it’s all hot licked
Junkies of Sauce & organic compounded chemistry, high ‘til Dey dies
Presume the best is the worst & you’ll float as cream to the top of lies.
I faked it once or twice to avoid the painless, suicidal suffering of Truth
Be told as if anyone else cares or wants to float above it at all, forsooth
And if I am wrong & I die before I find out THAT this was all a dream fly
Into & out of the atmosphere of God’s head, I AM above, let’s get high!
You gotta admit, sometimes you’ve got it & at other times, it’s caput
Got it all straight from the elders, ma, pa, tramps, gramma all toots
In my head, as if they’re still above underground, all in a Gameroom
Compartmentalized between hearts & souls, dream monsters zoom!
r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, May XXVI, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 444 AMPST
#MARK #BlindedByLight
* Dedicated to an old
friend, @MarkNason & One of my Grand Pere(s) Giuseppe (#JellyBean) Alfano
W.W.A.R.D.?click on the link below for the recipe

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