Camels BBQ smoked & LuckyStrikes burnt into the dream, woke up in bed
It all appears out of nowhere, personal, judgement of a shake, rattle & a roll
Higher than the lowest level below the bottom of the barrel of root beer soul
Pumped out of bones & blood everybody left in the womb, y’all go be dead!
Ending before anything ever began, you & me not to mention all of it A to Z
Dark Matter or Light Matter in every case, What’s the Matter when it’s Free
Galaxies full of solar systems’ bent light that curves straight gods-eye smiles
Chilling or burnt by all flashing atomic explosions from a 100 million miles.
As your own soul within your own body will discover, there’s no fear forever
It’s a transitory feeling of facing the unknown things that appear near or far
As long as you & I are a piece of the whole shebang, the ending hasn’t gone
It’s just not here yet, it won’t arrive until your own rigor mortis loses tone.
Ape-like moves, eating & defalcating, coupling & fighting for the high scents
States of Being One or Many, both at the same time if necessary & sufficient
Not for me to say or think out loud about but I will anyway, stickin’ a fork in
Whatever it was before I entered a womb of a mama, it still is, it is oblivion.
Country of imaginary lines’ points of interest, creating acute, obtuse angles
Abstraction of the thoughts of invisible intent & will to the power of angels
Winglessness’ infection of the blood and skeletal unfossilized bones’ funk
At the end you can’t see a thing itself, essence is nothing surreal, gods dunk.
Livers and kidneys just a large part of the all too human infrastructure, it is so
Nevertheless, the turkeys are in the straw just like the song used to sing on LP
At 33 1/3 revolutions around in a circle, every rotation into a shrinking groove
Red or blue sounds into a recording machine, atrophy into magic, play dough.
Writer of an episodic novel, a trilogy of singing, silent nuns & fighting monks
No harm can be done to either, immortally immune to pain & suffering funks
Coming & going into & out of all our consciousnesses require courageous skin
What’s courage but dominance of all encounters, total ingestion of the given.
One life, calm, serene, cyborg and artificial intelligence coming into the power
Of mice and men, in traps to stop their population from growing out of control
DNA & RNA are NOT of this Earth planet, didn’t evolve out of Nothing in Space
#FastWalker good, evil, beautiful & ugly alien UFO pilots is a god-species Face.
Spy vs the Spy high in the sky, invisible to cross-eyed radar, you know nothing
A full house now or then a royal flush, Life evolved on another planet to seize
Life of another god’s planet is able to explore solar systems & entire galaxies
No reason to make First Contact with mankind, because there is no One king.
You all deduce the following conclusions, Time’s timing all dimension doors
Lights of unidentifiable, objective reality appearing on Earth-made monitors
Elevates the satellite pictures monitoring Space, either gods or monsters too
Harbor has Invisible yet mighty in sight, are we exotic food or Fighter of Foo?
Open the secret archive for me, the fee is recall nothing after you know it all
Nevermore walking with the gang or any other fool, just because you got a call
To become the receiver of the transmission, there’s a bad UFO secret, alien I am
Houston or any other Peking or Moscow, covers the holy grail, it’s a Royal Scam!
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, May XXIst, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 1111 PMPST
{ Generated while LISTENIN’ & WATCHIN' @MASH LINK @ & audio-recording of @TheTemptations #WhatItIs in a Loopy link @ }
It all appears out of nowhere, personal, judgement of a shake, rattle & a roll
Higher than the lowest level below the bottom of the barrel of root beer soul
Pumped out of bones & blood everybody left in the womb, y’all go be dead!
Ending before anything ever began, you & me not to mention all of it A to Z
Dark Matter or Light Matter in every case, What’s the Matter when it’s Free
Galaxies full of solar systems’ bent light that curves straight gods-eye smiles
Chilling or burnt by all flashing atomic explosions from a 100 million miles.
As your own soul within your own body will discover, there’s no fear forever
It’s a transitory feeling of facing the unknown things that appear near or far
As long as you & I are a piece of the whole shebang, the ending hasn’t gone
It’s just not here yet, it won’t arrive until your own rigor mortis loses tone.
Ape-like moves, eating & defalcating, coupling & fighting for the high scents
States of Being One or Many, both at the same time if necessary & sufficient
Not for me to say or think out loud about but I will anyway, stickin’ a fork in
Whatever it was before I entered a womb of a mama, it still is, it is oblivion.
Country of imaginary lines’ points of interest, creating acute, obtuse angles
Abstraction of the thoughts of invisible intent & will to the power of angels
Winglessness’ infection of the blood and skeletal unfossilized bones’ funk
At the end you can’t see a thing itself, essence is nothing surreal, gods dunk.
Livers and kidneys just a large part of the all too human infrastructure, it is so
Nevertheless, the turkeys are in the straw just like the song used to sing on LP
At 33 1/3 revolutions around in a circle, every rotation into a shrinking groove
Red or blue sounds into a recording machine, atrophy into magic, play dough.
Writer of an episodic novel, a trilogy of singing, silent nuns & fighting monks
No harm can be done to either, immortally immune to pain & suffering funks
Coming & going into & out of all our consciousnesses require courageous skin
What’s courage but dominance of all encounters, total ingestion of the given.
One life, calm, serene, cyborg and artificial intelligence coming into the power
Of mice and men, in traps to stop their population from growing out of control
DNA & RNA are NOT of this Earth planet, didn’t evolve out of Nothing in Space
#FastWalker good, evil, beautiful & ugly alien UFO pilots is a god-species Face.
Spy vs the Spy high in the sky, invisible to cross-eyed radar, you know nothing
A full house now or then a royal flush, Life evolved on another planet to seize
Life of another god’s planet is able to explore solar systems & entire galaxies
No reason to make First Contact with mankind, because there is no One king.
You all deduce the following conclusions, Time’s timing all dimension doors
Lights of unidentifiable, objective reality appearing on Earth-made monitors
Elevates the satellite pictures monitoring Space, either gods or monsters too
Harbor has Invisible yet mighty in sight, are we exotic food or Fighter of Foo?
Open the secret archive for me, the fee is recall nothing after you know it all
Nevermore walking with the gang or any other fool, just because you got a call
To become the receiver of the transmission, there’s a bad UFO secret, alien I am
Houston or any other Peking or Moscow, covers the holy grail, it’s a Royal Scam!
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, May XXIst, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 1111 PMPST
{ Generated while LISTENIN’ & WATCHIN' @MASH LINK @ & audio-recording of @TheTemptations #WhatItIs in a Loopy link @ }

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