
Friday, September 29, 2023

Hey Baby, back seat of my car... #TedNugent #VanMorrison #CryinInAStraightJacket


Sanity inside of the society’s cultural wisdom and incarceration of diseased DNA in jail
Did not kill the sparrow but did club the duck, wasted the meat, nobody would cook it
Supreme karmic debt paid back in diamonds, spades, hearts & clubs, all losers will fail
The fix was in, that was no surprise, the loving country taught losers to fly high as chit.

Greater than the superlative in the room, hooked up with the 900-pound green gorilla
Fortunately you & I are from the same planet, we have an understanding of Godzilla
Made a movie, sang a song all about the nature of the beast within each of our souls
Whether it’s an actual physical thing or not, the soul is at least a word, as a bell tolls.

Rang in the middle of the night when all except the night watchman was asserting it
Banged on the bell and the bong from the contact caused vibration in one holy spirit
It is now and it’s always been this way, plus it will be this way from this day forward
Deep fake in the Twilight Zone’s epic fanatic phantasm of a neurotic, psychotic nerd.

Characters’ conscious forms from idiots’ blogs to mining for minds in a corpse history
That’s the tale of the crisscross, covering every uncovered hole in the wall, iconic story
Subjects predicated by objects with prepositions, conjunctions & interjections to boot
All omnivorous forms of animal and plant organisms on Earth live & they’ll go caput.

Sun burns, star shines the light into the darkness we’re enveloped inside of & outside
Corks in the bottle to keep the wine remaining the same, as above, so below the ride
On high or down low, bad air is required to live, without it y’all will die, it’s all trippin’
Far below Earth, nothing is for any of us, myth is certainty, cancellation of mortal sin.

Soaked the ash in the liquid Marxism, magnetized into the Freedom that ain’t free chit
In stores, on the shelves, communists from the Trojan Horse in the cities bussed in s#it
Unholy to kill you yet here you are being stalked by unknown anti-heroes of the story
You are immersed in the eyes of a universal oneness ever since the egg & sperm flurry.

Growth being nurtured to a finale of the dream, as the eyes begin to see, God awakens
Afraid and all alone, the fear dissipates as the dawn brings back the starlit immortal sins
Created it all from Nothing, violating the subsequent laws of “nature” all spontaneously
Combusting out of nothing but a spark, l lit a match but the petrol vapor ignited the sea.

Played me like a bassoon solo of the Hungarian Rhapsody or Rhapsody-In-Blue, so what
Pouring the invisible syrup from the extinct maple tree upon the cakes in the pan of scat
Either you live or we die, here & now as it’s always been in Egypt or the Bronx, it’s all OK
Los Angeles to Chicago to Philadelphia, invasion of A Foreign Trojan Horse, Guerilla-Day.

#AliensOnBikes invading your life, you will let them stay & eat & defecate their hustle
On sidewalks, one-way streets, in or out of the Hood, the neighborhoods of the Bull
Cows having anchor babies, being fed by the teats of the wealth, the golden calf, fools
Underneath the stupid, the moron, the leader of the pack, a silent, invisible-idiot rules.

Who did this & got away with murder resulting from the human tragedy of conception
Multiplying the chafe of the innocent and mighty divine thing itself, we get mortal sin
What it is is what it is & that’s all there is, that thing, whole shebang, attention please
Now then, die, that’s all, that’s it, caput, no dream, reality or any nirvana’s gold fleece.

Missions impossible to complete when in complete control of nothing at all, rockin’ hard
Freedom is first a notion, then a sound, a word, conceptual analysis of fear of the feared
Insane or not, civilized & enculturated or not, we’re aliens out of nowhere, evolved flirt
Development driving from the origin to the final destination, you’re a champ, Gold, Dirt.

Categories of matter & atomically fused fissionable thermonuclear astro smack from God
RIP to the ghosts released from the solar disturbance of Space & Time, happy day hot-rod
I’ve become attached to the seeds of the breed, many & the One, I revere all the Unborns
I’m neither in charge nor the follower of children’s hopes & afterlife chimeras of unicorns.

Power beneath your two feet to accelerate or halt the momentum out Never-Neverland
Your control, will to focus upon one thing until it’s exhausted it’s function, killed the fear
Monkeys are on the right and left of the smokescreen, they can’t see the Truth out here
Devolved from a Jetson into a Flintstone, chill out your jet to crash & burn, c’mon Man!


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Vendredi, IX-XXIX-MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 6:30 AMPST

{ Cluster-Banged out of the Twilight Zone while jammin’ to #SometimesWeCry by @VanMorrison sittin' down, thinkin' it through...eatin' humble pie }


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