

Saturday, May 02, 2020

#TheBeachboys, #SavoyBrown #TomWaits in concert together, only here & now, not in the #RealWorld

Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, May 2, 2020
---- #ScratchYourItchIfYouCan #YouCannot ----
Regardless who you are, you’ll get lucky and run into Nirvana musica or girls’ pure hysteria
Way inside the deep not the shallow, just within a corduroy, 2 shakes of a lamb’s tail e Log
What that is, today and tonight, is a good fight to remain healthy and alive, blue sky sclera
All for One, me for my wife who accompanies my bones on the trip along the riverside’s fog.

Whether at once or in due time, the facts of life remain same as the old tune, BC or AD DNA
Survival of the most fit among the random genetic recombinations over the course of star life
All sacrosanct philosophy of the ones who’ve survived genome disease and carnivorous strife
Die in the sea’s deep end or be buried, burned or trapped in a #FoolsMate, checkmate, I play!

Alternatives are scarce but more or less favorable to everyone on the planet Earth but me
Only because I fear my own shadow as well as the other mental images emerge from a Void
Mirror image of what you see right after you die, right after your eternal anesthetic elixir tea
Nothing, absence of your mind and your body and your people, all gone baby, God’s android!

Hold up one minute, just a second, let me say this about that whether you like it or not, chill
Just because you thing you’re so pretty and just because you think you’re so smart, I agreed
No argument for the alternative that you’re both plain or ugly and ignorant and stupid, still
After all of that education in the public, private and parochial schools of learning to #Pee.

How many ways y’all can speak the sound of words to descendants of Babel’s Persian bevels
Heaven and Hell dissociate the souls and spread between seven continents of land, sea levels
It is what it is by the grace of the living and dead folks who preceded US, I used to be so fine
Faded away form and matter yet, Ends, here and now, deep hickRap, blob of a minion mind.

r j j stephan, i * Y’all know #Ends right? Y’all will know what Karma means then. OK? OK.
c. Saturday, May 2nd, 2020 Anno Domini @ 7:11 Ante Meridien
{ Form shaped from the bubble inside and outside of this Time Warp, trying to annihilate the #StarWars mentality of humanity for the #AliensAmongUs, fomenting #ViralTerrorism to provide for the #ExtinctionOfTheSpecies & listenin’ to #TheBeachBoys LIVE at the Monterey County Fairgrounds Big Sur, California March 10th, 1970 A.D. #AllDayLong link @ https://youtu.be/18MS1eKAvTQ }


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