
Friday, March 11, 2022

#WARtheBand #HouseOfRuth60HomersCaused1929Depression #Apeman #MrEd & #BabeRuthToo #WatchYourSIXTopGun #VietNamMoves

If possible then continue with the conceptual analysis for the conclusion, All's well done
If you believe that then I have some swamp land in Florida, I annexed it from a red son
High ape, animated 208 bones, a Hu=Man, Cro-Magnon stank stunk of odiferous phart
Junkies can get in my way, they want what I've collected in my Buy-Wise shopping cart.

Now then, if you push enough of the buttons you'll start the machine's operation, a cycle
Unicycle, bicycle, tricycle or four wheel drive Tesla F09, all battery operated, oil deleted
No natural gas or unnatural refined oil petroleum for the dinosaurs, hum job for men
All the genome's Yin or Yang ever required was the Hum, it's a good vibration, a Seed.

Complex as a simple atom of a molecule of Hydrogen that mutates into Helium, It's done
Nothing more nor less than this, songs with music of archangels' moot points, tons of fun
Come on man, get out a Thesaurus & Webster's Word, look it up, alphabetical order son
From Z to A the writing singed into the rock walls of the caves, here today, now all gone.

We're here, we don't know why, we create a false narrative, we dis our mothers & fathers
Why?  This genetic formation is the End of Time, a figurative Truth's literal funk of hers
Talkin' of her soil, her boulders left over from frozen Kryptonite, I'm One, a big Muddy
A backward flow upstream & a current's lightspeed gravity rush to the mouth of the sea.

When I was young, I was trained to be old before I aged to 100, spent 90 years right here
Among the related and the unrelated to the forms I called kin, older brother, little sister
Climbed atop the mountain and when I stopped to look out and listen for the Word, I fell
Rolled down faster than 32 feet per second, velocity unknown stalled momentum to Hell.

For simple minds in motherless slums without fathers, phillips screwed motherless kids
Monkeys will not survive, they are not the fittest among the accidental Big Bang of God
Looks like rats & roaches may be the Ones, the only ones who'll survive the Atom splits
Blame yourself for your position in this universe, you live & die, that's all folks, It's...

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, March Eleventh, 2022 Anno Domini @ 644 AMPST

{ The idiot follows and leads over the cliff, follow me, I'm the #PiedPiper, LOL's drafted while jammin' to #PiedPier by @CrispianStPeters (1966) on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/RFdSOppmkNw RIP @EmilioDelgado https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emilio_Delgado }


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