Systemic racism being articulated by the inferior minds leftover from the idiot savants’ mindsThey know nothing about philosophy, mathematics or science yet they know it all, gold mines
Here’s the DNA message inside of human genome, you’ve forgotten, you’ve lost divine insight
Merely one of the many, here and now & soon to be dead & gone, light turns to night, all right.
Whole shebang disappears once you cease your heartbeat & blood flow from toenails to mind
On the ground or way above the atmospheric pressure that keeps the things downtown to find
Miracles on 3rd Avenue near the old town, it’s a #RushStreet strip of clubs ready to give up gold
Unto emotional rescue offered by the alcohol & squeezings of plants & flowers fire up the old.
Build the bombs that you won’t use to annihilate the entire equatorial system, pole to pole tip
Ego dissolved, money wasted on the lead before it turned to gold, it’s an anomaly of the ship
Full of the rats and grain in the belly of the ship, as it sinks slowly, bow to stern, they ain’t cryin’
It is the food for the fish, from the Bowery to the Taylor Street robots who knife fight with sin.
Shaved the hair off of every meter of skin, slick as the day babies are born, naked to the world
Above and below, everything remains the same, avoid Nothing like the plague, a love unfurled
Ends are identical to the pre-origin of the cosmos, Void, empty of things, concepts to analyze
Until the bottom disappears and you find the struggle is to stay alive; murder food with eyes.
You must eat, you must defecate, you can shut the phuquin up from now until the end’s times
Punks grow from babies into the apes you observe before you, a family, friends & all the foes
Isolate the moment, you’re here, I’m here, we’re present in the moment, stoppin’ on a dime
High above here, you can’t breathe, your heart ceases to beat, blood congeals the pump time.
Hello and goodbye, it could be worse, you may have never been a sage, but you think, ergo
You exist to move, to animate the rocks and mud underfoot, stacking the dirt & glass shards
Where Godzilla and King Kong raid the Far East & force the people to ignite the world’s end
Movie harbinger of mankind’s brave trek in the middle of nowhere, uh may I please offend?
You got lucky to be here, you never know what’s gonna happen the next minute or decade
Accidental or intentional is the nature of the Occult, find this & get self-conscious Kool-Aid
You will need it all from the time you find out the Truth until your last gasp of oxygen’s day
Black night, black knights move in it as if it’s broad daylight, third eye adjustment, I will pay.
All I must do is release the bloodhounds out of the psyche within, I am not in charge of the poll
Or One Mortal Original Sin, Adam & Eve were on their own, obligation to obey their master, Man
God’s apes evolved my arse, I don’t think so, I came from one egg & one gamete from papa’s soul
Dad may not have known, he was the God of my existence, he knows now, pops, RIP has-beens!
Whatever the peach looks like may be what it tastes like, sweeter than sugar pie, a sour anomaly
By the sea, on the coast or in the middle of the dry, dirty red & black rocks, here & now we are
Known & occult data hammering your head into logical conclusions & irrational arguments’ afar
From the actual nature of Reality, nature of this human beast, alive for a spin or two in a Tesla car.
Ready to be set but you’re never, ever gonna go, here to stay in one spot without moving a muscle
Disappearing form fading away right before your very eyes, look in the mirror, reflect your kerfuffle
I am what you are, invisible in a hundred years unless I’m dreaming & sleeping right now, forever
On the other hand, eat, drink & be merry for tomorrow, it’s Luke 12:19, New King James Version.
“So, I commended enjoyment, because a man has
nothing better under the sun than to eat, drink
& be merry; for this will remain with him in his labor all the days of his life which God gives him under the sun.”
Master rules Slaves’ Cylinders.

r j j
stephan, i
Mardi, 12-12-2023, @ 711 AMPST
{ Goin’ off cock-sure with this little ditty of
#CriticalTheoryOfMe while listenin’ to @Armstrong_GettyRadioShow @kste650AM }
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