Paying the price for the high cost of living in a dream without the key to wake up, One infinite slumber I don’t complain since the alternative is a deep black hole’s singularity in which you crush to a number
Caused by the First Cause, this last effect is the culmination of intense pressure of being a brother-in-law
To the sisters of charity and sisters of faith and hope, all of you all help extinguish the species debt to Ra.
Finishing the painting now, it appears to be a portrait of things themselves without mentioning a fact
That life is accidentally an appearance of the unmoved mover in an animated capacity, animal if you will
Being and Nothingness is the full Monty, nothing else matters and if it did, nobody would care, not One
Or else, I’m in error & I’ve mistakenly turned love to scat, making it, feeling it, doing it, like it or not, son.
Your job is to get to the end after the beginning, a story of you being born and dying here and now, boy
You can’t expect anything better than this, better than being freezing cold & homeless on a dead end sea
Where wise men fear to go, here I am obviously on the other end of that wisdom, ignorance is the bliss
Sought and found it, lurking in my dark, backroom where we smoke & play poker for greenbacks & this.
Words said and sung out loud, comin’ out of grooves in vinyl or magnetic impressions on tape & disc
Bums and junkies made all of this possible, just by failing to learn the lesson of the human struggles
Finding yourself without parents, siblings, friends or contacts, all alone, being One, need to be frisked
There’s arms undercover, fire blasters in an empty vacuum, again where I am, this is all there is, kissed.
I care but it doesn’t matter, you don’t care & that matters even less, you & I won’t see eye, drop a dime
Forget the ending, it’s not important since the journey was all that mattered, unmoved mover all done
Head games, dreaming that reality IS a dream inside a deeper menagerie of divinity’s passing the Times
Around and around the world it goes, spinning & wobbling in orbit around the God of Void, White Suns.
Paused forever with pall bearers who have Blind Faith in Nothing beyond the here & now cosmic stews
Recollect your life before it’s all over, it’s all you get, don’t get fooled by the imitators who cause blues
I think I’m a special thing itself, I’m a form, a shape and the stuffing in the psycho-social disgust of Life
Alive on Earth, in a bassinet or a crib or just a manger of hay in a lean-to hut, a star of a sleeping wife.
It will come, it will go, death is inevitable, subconsciousness training of the good, bad and the fugly
To be or not to be alive on Earth is a magical accident, nothing personal, on point to see a bug in me
That all the moron orphans know The Way without the parental guidance of the accidents conceived
Which formless form of matter forms into the shape of the Present tense in a Past-Future tense seed.
I do what I do, I say what I say, I got this metadata from apes, those who died a while ago, centuries
Millennia timeout, seven continents of reality’s wisdom gleaned of observation & sharing the Word
Of your dead mama, that’s all it was, a way to become alive on Earth when you were extinct, a Dodo
Birds of bloody idiots who use nothing but their ancestors blind faith in masters, like a dunkin’ yoyo.
All premature death is in the womb, everyone else gets their shot in the dark, we come & go
Onto the #Finale of critical race theory, extinction is caused by celibacy and DNA evil alive
Meaning of the understanding is all there is, either we’re divine or all too human, as above
So below then, here we are & away we go, wisdom locked into consciousness of pure love.
Death and dying is a mood swing for the spirit that didn’t exist before conception, oh well
You win some & you lose some, some you come into the finished race of the human shell
Step by step, centimeter by centimeter in macrocosm, you die unhappy, see what I mean
Or maybe you won’t see that, you’ll fly with angels or score in Hades with the big Dean.
Losers and winners come and go, you know that, you’re one or the other but never both
The lost die unhappy, the winners die unhappy, happiness is staying alive, the whole Truth
Read Plato’s and Socrates’ screeds and attempt to apply the wisdom to no avail, we’re dead
Imbecile with The Will To Power, Existence is a faux perception of light from UV to infrared.
Remember your conception? Remember your birth? Remember Pearl Harbor? Who did it?
You know & I know, it was indeed 80-90 years ago, 1941 Anno Domini at the Hula Hoop teat
Those pink cadillacs have a punch like getting’ kicked by a mule, it ain’t a Shirley Temple shot
It’s last call for alcohol, #HarveyWallbanger shakes her spider web, now then, what you got?
Therefore, menstruation is crazy, there’s a reason for it, Womankind ought to have had a say
Alas, begin & end in the same place we were before our fathers screwed our mothers’ DNA
Sandy continents because of seven seas dehydrating into thin air, above and beyond the pale
You and I, you who read the Word & conclude the meaning of my induced deductions of Yale.
I’m going into a death spiral, hit some black ice on the backroad, spun off the origin’s Gold
Worship myself, my skin and bones, it’s all I’ve got & all I love will get me to the hella load
Whining will not accomplish Winning although if you delete an ‘h’ & input an ‘n’, it’s good
Darker than sunlight, in my soul a deficit of grace leads me to end, buried, burned or food.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, Freezember XIIIth MMXXIII Anno Domini @0600 hours
{ Sucked this gravity out of 208 bones this AM while jammin’ to #StressReliefMusic on youTube link @ }

@Armstrong_GettyRadioShow @kste650AM
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