
Wednesday, June 21, 2023

First Day of Summer 2023 AD 00:01 PST #CommunityGuidedLines #CrookedLines #AdulthoodMalContent #InsensitivelyYoursTooFooFOO


Freedom of information acting as if it were not so free, in fact, it’s top secret & a need to know only
Watched my own six with my head on a 360-degree swivel, told me about him or her bein’ a phony
If I knew I couldn’t care less but since I didn’t know, I care & I want to know why specifically you suck
Your full responsibility and obligation as an all too human unit of blood & bones to reproduce & thug.

I am in the wake of a meeting with the thing itself, it came & appears to be gone, yet lingers, my sons
To the detriment of the gods, we’ve named & empowered with the good, the bad evil & the GD ugly
Thoughts, thinking, pondering ‘bout birth & death, reasonable explication required to open fire upon
Mother Earth & a One who allowed the egg to grow into your body & soul, those are the great ones.

Knowing Nothing and understanding less than that although something’s left, ring singin' in the ears
Deaf or hard of hearing is one thing, a buzzing/ringing 24/7 is enough to make you dive in a mini-sub
Wrapping up the presents just to rip the wrapping & git ripped by the green flower of God’s bud hub
Gramma said "monkey see, monkey do" & she didn’t get past 8th grade, wisdom's tears for fears.

My ancestors had babies when they were young teenagers and raised broods between 4 and twenty
Blackbirds and albino Cardinals with clipped wings to the dismay of inner psyche, A thing itself, see?
Logic & reason out a proverbial window, although there’re no holes in the arguments of Plato & Marx
Still, deduction depends on induction assumptions to conclude here, Absolute Truth of dark parks.

Dead bones buried & burned as they ought to be, as it’s been since humanity figured out the stench
Dead & gone, uneaten and left the family starving because they couldn’t handle the constant wrench
Cemeteries of the ghosts all over everywhere on the outskirts of bands of humanity, city & country
Now, there’s gonna be a last Word Up your glory hole & out your pie hole, gag on a cherry pit seed.

Sift through the chaff & you’ll get the gems, diamonds & rubies that were hidden awaiting your touch
In a moment of madness taking advantage of random chance that I’d grasp the Truth, kill the grouch
Two wrongs don’t make a right but that’s the definition of insanity, repetition of failure to launch chit
Out of the orphanage or a broken home, the others took their folks hard effort for granted, had a fit.

For his effort and for her attempt, they are both rewarded for trying, trophy love for everybody’s win
Thinking that you exist for any reason other than random collisions of atoms & molecular evolution
That’s a fool in the city waiting for the end to come, it will like it or not, it’s comin’ in a flash of pow
You’ll know, everyone will, I won’t know, I’ll be all gone, I’m already gone, an Eagle thing, let’s go!

When it’s come time in each of our lives to give up the ghost, only on the flip side will you spin free
I know why Samson loved Delilah and let his hair down too far to ever recover before anybody’d see
Why he did it is because he would do anything for the only one who could get the full coverage set
In stone like the commandments Moses drilled into the stoned rock, behave or pay-in-full eternity.

Lookin’ forward to the Honey Whiskey & Highland Flower bud after all the banks have been robbed
It’s a matter of knowing the power that runs the whole shebang, the producer of the English dubbed
I ain’t the one you oughta be paying attention to but if you arrest your attention, I’ll overrun in spades
Card decks, single double, trump meld, bid to win It all gods’ games of Philosophy, hard drug raids.

Fecal matter for brains to keep the skull full of blind faith beliefs in cataclysms and instant witchcraft
Can’t catch the real magic martyrs who give up the happiness granted at birth; I was the one for you
Nobody but me could ever deny black hole truth, I made it up, I enforce it, I put ‘em all in my tin foil
Performance driving in Chicago in & out of fast lanes, missing the exit & flippin’ off & I’m on a roll.

I gotta split, you never had to split, just me & it’s OK, it’s fine, it had to be that way, all my own way
Never any regrets for me, my choices are the ones I alone made, influenced by the Unknown today
It’s fine that I don’t know which angel is the captain of a ship, I treat every soul like the captain, aye
Warm slowly into fission or fusion temperature, a collider of nanosecond proportions for you & me.

I drove and you sat shotgun although there was nobody threatening me or the stagecoach’s gold
We headed up the 49er highway from Tahoe down to El Dorado, Indian country unsettled Mi-wok
I am the notion without proportion, it’s the only calculus you need to now figure out the answer
To the unsolvable rhetorical equation of Faith being equal to Truth, cancel the rest of the dreamer.

Holy or sacred-paranormal, haunting of spirits on Mars and the moon, watchin’ the mellow yellow
No crashing & burning any more, universe is expanding a Big Bang, Harvey Wallbangers’ downlow
Why? Who knows. Someday we’ll know it all…including the fact that we’ll all know it someday
So your property winds up in the recycle & trash, no more questions, this means War, yesterday.

Mountains ain’t really moving but they are being enveloped in a swarm of salt water, Earth wobble
Happened every time since the origin of Earth’s original sin, pickin’ apple wisdom from a tiny tablet
Who could have imagined that someone knew the future that we didn’t, all our tangos clashed in it
Wrappers of Snickers & Milky Way are all we got left way down under the sea, it’s all over, She IT!

r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, June XX 1st MMxxIII Anno Domini @ 711 PMPST

{ Drafted while crashin’ & burnin’ in the dream within a dream, now, why aren’t you here with me again? & jammin’ some @NewRadicals #SomeDayWellKnow link @ https://youtu.be/bDmA8qQKhMY }

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

#ThatzLIFE #YouMakeMyDreamsComeTrue #FullStop #CantYouSee?

Empty halls of fame with skylines behind the locked doors on both sides of the aisle, come on man!
You & I know that there’s no choice in this situation, either you play the game or it’s in the butt can
We’ll never know what we’ll never know today or tomorrow, yesterday’s troubles are the ever asters
Put your lips together and just blow, then bow down low as the serfs & servants do to thee masters.

Astral travel of your conscience into the realm of possible probabilities winds up in a singularity
There is the Hot & the Cold, it turns on or turns off the nervous systems of a white chocolate city
No commotion when you are preoccupied with the locomotion, you’ll watch & see the Truth’s Six
In back of everything themselves, turn a circle to become irreversibly dizzy, extinction philosophy.

A need for artificial intelligence survives and critical race theory, cancelled the genome code of Marx
Random philosopher who was merely positing assumptions to lead to irrefutable Truth in dark parks
From south to north pole there are places where lack of water begs to create more H2O sea salt hair
Eventually splitting every atom of H2O, causing the Singularity to reappear in the middle of nowhere.

Evolving silk worms, think 'bout all food we all eat, it was a live plant-animal bugs consume, teats
Chew plants & meats, Grateful Dead wanted Dead or Alive, high price will be paid for silk sheets
Silk or satin, soft and slippery to the thin, hairy skin of naked apes who lie, steal & cheat for sorrow
Sorry that the need to apologize is strong in us all, covered tracks of all that's my own fault, you blow.

Here & there a harbinger will be tripped on, if your fortune is positive, you’ll get over the barnyard zip
Makin’ you realize you’re not as important to God as you thought, first there's no God, It doesn’t exist
You’re lucky that natural selection favored conception rather than A pre-existing original sin position
Aborted baby, I am what I am and now it’s my turn to pour some sugar on y’all, I’m the jinn dreamin’!

r j j stephan, i

c. Mardi, June 20th 2023 Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to the mighty @Armstrong_GettyShow on @kste650AM 6-10 AMPST & then during commercial breaks, @KennyChesney #Best-of @ https://youtu.be/psXpnry9Mes }

F. I. N. I. S. W.W.A.R.D.?

Monday, June 19, 2023

#TriplePlay #GrandSlam #SuddenDeathSCORE Yo #JOJO RIP

I see what you mean now that I’ve seen what you saw, that which she saw
Wonder never, no more about anything from dawn to dusk, it’s all lock jaw
On a queer far side of the moon or at the bottom of the barrel, Pablo Espan
Understood by everyone here and now but not by anyone without a godson.

Purpled blues that cannot exhibit the real things upon the wall, all shadows
Corrected because it all began incorrectly but we’ve run out of the whiteout
Invented by a Monkee's mother who cashed in on the formula, cover-it-up man
Nonsense and sensible things all in the same subset within the family of Man.

Join the #InCrowd or you’ll be left far behind on the far side with the Devo drops
World peace under the skirts of the modest nuns of the church’s high priest cops
Hitting all children because you got hit when you were a kid is unacceptable, true
Pitiful that you crawl, then scoot, walk, then run to the end of times with no clue.

Disapprove of everything and anything that I can see, smell, taste or touch, I hear
Vibrations within my skull above my other 200 bones gives me pause, I need a beer
Maybe a case or two, the binge won the race to return the keg for the deposit cash
In or out of school & hamburger joints, I say nothing and I see nothing, aye aye!

Categorically in a conundrum of being a body guard with a big smile on my face
As happy is a as happy does, I believe in magic underwater & above natural law
I’ve a need to bleed my blood out into the universe, almost impossible, just sayin’
High score won the game again, my triple play solo will never, ever be equal skin.

Hydrogen and oxygen were together & now are far apart, blood bleeds on fangs
Once or twice nothing happens but then I digress back to the safe place back, son
Not the house’s door between the apes, all monkeys and their chain gangs bangs
Boys and girls, be quiet, I have an announcement that means nothing to anyone.

Nobody and Nothing outside of me & you here & now, we’re on the same page
It won’t always be like this, in fact, not even for another hour, absorb the sage
Into your DNA where it’s locked into the program of bums, junkies & drifter ilk
So, therefore, let me summarize it, quit eatin’ cow meat & drinkin’ their milk.

If there’s no reversal of the offense, just keep up your penetrable defense a spell
Other goals to score for the extra points & a sudden death overtime from Hehl
Cry or laugh, you’re all gone man, come on man, God, get real, get TFOOH, see
All in the mind of an AI program I found in the trash can in the alley behind me.

I stood for nothing but I can’t stand for anything anyway, do the math, 1 + 1 = 2
Up or down, out or in, I know what I am, I am what I am & can’t stands no more
Just a Popeye opening scene, like the sailor or not, you gotta go by instinct pure
Or you’ll just go to pot & nobody will know to fire you up for a puff & deep toke.

Fur for the gentleman who played the good hunter JoJo the rabbit, it done died
Must have got the egg replicated during the dream sequence when we froze stiff
Impacted by the shock and awe of seeing strange bedfellows I got tucked under
Below the silk & satin satisfaction of sheets & cotton blankets, Holy woodpecker!

r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, June the 19th MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 444 PMPST

{ Failed to launch & failed again & again until I realized that this was the definition
of insanity, to repeat the identical behavior precisely and induce amnesia, irreversible memory
irretrievability & scat like that, still created in the key of B flat & transformed on this video for youTube
@ https://youtu.be/psXhttps://youtu.be/psXpnry9Mespnry9Mes #KennyChesney #TheBestOf }