Empty halls of fame with skylines behind the locked doors on both sides of the aisle, come on man!You & I know that there’s no choice in this situation, either you play the game or it’s in the butt can
We’ll never know what we’ll never know today or tomorrow, yesterday’s troubles are the ever asters
Put your lips together and just blow, then bow down low as the serfs & servants do to thee masters.
Astral travel of your conscience into the realm of possible probabilities winds up in a singularity
There is the Hot & the Cold, it turns on or turns off the nervous systems of a white chocolate city
No commotion when you are preoccupied with the locomotion, you’ll watch & see the Truth’s Six
In back of everything themselves, turn a circle to become irreversibly dizzy, extinction philosophy.
A need for artificial intelligence survives and critical race theory, cancelled the genome code of Marx
Random philosopher who was merely positing assumptions to lead to irrefutable Truth in dark parks
From south to north pole there are places where lack of water begs to create more H2O sea salt hair
Eventually splitting every atom of H2O, causing the Singularity to reappear in the middle of nowhere.
Evolving silk worms, think 'bout all food we all eat, it was a live plant-animal bugs consume, teats
Chew plants & meats, Grateful Dead wanted Dead or Alive, high price will be paid for silk sheets
Silk or satin, soft and slippery to the thin, hairy skin of naked apes who lie, steal & cheat for sorrow
Sorry that the need to apologize is strong in us all, covered tracks of all that's my own fault, you blow.
Here & there a harbinger will be tripped on, if your fortune is positive, you’ll get over the barnyard zip
Makin’ you realize you’re not as important to God as you thought, first there's no God, It doesn’t exist
You’re lucky that natural selection favored conception rather than A pre-existing original sin position
Aborted baby, I am what I am and now it’s my turn to pour some sugar on y’all, I’m the jinn dreamin’!
r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, June 20th 2023 Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to the mighty @Armstrong_GettyShow on @kste650AM 6-10 AMPST & then during commercial breaks, @KennyChesney #Best-of @ https://youtu.be/psXpnry9Mes }
F. I. N. I. S. W.W.A.R.D.?
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