
Sunday, December 22, 2019

#Honeymooners #Honeydrippers rockin' the Sunday before Xmas! #JesusLives

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, December 22, 2019
------------   #JesusRockinIt  -----------
Now and then One has a dream that Life has begun once again headed toward the end
No place in space anything can go except down into a black hole or to the core of a fight
Complicated for a moment until One discovers the meaning of Everything Theory’s bend
Nonchalant and without a purpose, a pulsar dots the eyes that are blinded by black light.

In the course of a star’s pathway across the labyrinth, a vast sea of succubi's singin’ squeals
For all of us, everyone who senses a mystery in beat sound and bright light of a cool groove
What is the substance of the thing itself and why is the matter, the energy of magnetic fields
Assume the worst and believe the first, it could be even more than that, First Cause’s move.

Knight jumps the pawn, jumps the shark and begins the onslaught of terror to a fake realm
With a queen and a king and a full carcass of living cells, procreating and wheeling the helm
Just because you think you’re so pretty, well you are but you don’t have to be so outta sight
It’s not your fault but you have a lot to do with the end that’s near, gonna be a big bar fight.

When the smoke clears, bottles and mirrors all busted up to bits and shards of B-side records
I found the diamond in the rough and once it became clear through like icy glass, my Words
They got wrote, they got said out loud and recorded for repetition, ad infinitum, to the moon
It’s where Alice Kramden used to go with Ralph from the Bronx projects to a city bus station.

There’ve been many genii on Terra Ferma as we know it, there’ll be more, pure future shock
Grief for the mad and the happy with caps and hats to cover the mindset of a brainiac flock
Stickin’ together after still born to the damned mothers who conceived out of fear’s loathing
Then nine months and a fortnight after the Big Bang, the Black Hole or the White dwarfing.

Told the Many to Get Bent more than once, probably like a thousand times ten, it’s what it is
What it is or what it will be is understood, it’s the Way of the Warriors and genuine, fake sufis
Whirling dervish around in finite circles to whip up the winds of change, a future shock’s fizz
You see? It is a creepy feeling when you look in the mirror at yo’ self, a superfly, hella genius.

Watch the ghetto demands and sub-urban starbursts merge into one, black, white, nice alley
Geeks and junkies all on the same plane to get from here to there, in one piece just high, see?
Tried to get over on the Man, the Gang and the Hose of the street asphalt, I’m all in concrete
Makin’ cuts, cashin’ in ducks, back in the world, again soldier boy and sailor beyond icy sleet.

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, FREEZEMBER 22nd, 2019 @ 9:11 PM PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to Curtis Mayfield #FutureShockMix #RightOnForTheDarkness on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/igC_1jwWR9o }
* Header picture is the MOTTO #Tshirt of official Friends Who Like #ArmstrongandGetty @ArmstrongandGetty - mine is on the way to me in the US Mail now! Not! LOL }

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