What do you want from me? Eve? My daddy used to say after a 12 hour workday
Brought home the bacon, many roofs over the six kids and a slew of skin and bone
Welcome to the Ends where the studs and fillies go for a quick roll in a loft of hay
Begin running on all fours at birth to the glue cemetery, my name on granite stone
In the short and the long run, it’s identical to the First Day of the First Dawn
No matter where your daddy took you when you were a baby, you’re here now
So, go where you must and get there sooner than later, you won’t ever regret it
Somehow and someway in the middle of this eternity, The A-Way is outta sight.
Really ready for another fairy tale in the darkness, without a stitch of blind faith
Language and conversation disseminating knowledge, wisdom, music of a wraith
Even if there’s a time or so I’ve been told, that my heart’ll quit, croak like the frogs
Therefore, I still am now, I exist in Space’s bubble, pumpin’ oxygen up river, dogs!
Anyway, cats there’s no way to be absolutely certain about anything, It is too odd
All of it in front and behind us, history is in the making, legends being, Great Falls
Out of the vacuum of a Space and Time which waits for not even the One, oh God
That means we’re that shat that was out of luck, out of paper, this is Hehls’ Bells.
Follow me, one celled animals, one celled plants, solar radiation mutation of DNA worms
Boom, here we are after the zillionth year from the #BigBangs and gravitational cartoons
Riding on one, two, three, four or six, even eighteen wheels to roll the Matter into Forms
Which one of us is the honey and which is the bitter taste of what can’t be spit into spittoons.
So, then before I say anything else, I always say ‘So’ and now I will give it to the conundrum
I personally cannot solve the dilemma. presented with argument pro and con, all outta breath
It’s all I can say at the end, weighed the assumptions of the inductive and deductive reasons
A nihilistic perception of reality results, rewarded Me, annihilation of Fear of conscious death.
Broke and fixed because that’s how it is when your back’s to the wall, broke below and above
Wasting the Time and Space right where I am and now where you are, all of us inside Earth
Actually in the blown bubble from the fauna, everything set just right for me to feel the Love
Fairy tales some funny, some lessons to be learned the hard way, it’s ain’t easy comin’ in 4th.
Without mothers none of us get here and now to this planet, not even Uranus, Jupiter or Mars
Named after gods of the stars in the space around all of us, dots in the sky, comet tail showers
A menudo of points and dots in a 3D matrix of feeling abandoned in the middle of nowheres
Even Adam and Eve couldn’t figure out what to do in paradise, get used to bein’ werewolves!
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, May 10th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 9:11 AM PST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to Marvin Gaye long version of #WhatsGoinOn link @ gittin’ ready to check out some Salt link @ }

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