
Thursday, May 14, 2020

#SheLIkesHerSmithAndWessonCold #LoadsALL6Chambers #PrimeThePump #GloomAndDoomEyeHear #ComeOnBabyWontYouDanceWithMe ?



Air Base Wings are without a doubt the necessary requirement for the love we give the world

Amazing young women and men go back and forth on the Flying Tiger wings for fool’s gold

It’s always been done from the caves to the plains of mountains and foothills, it’s perpetuity

No reason or rhyme to the rotation and evolution, it’s the spin of the media and dusted pity.

Smashed in the mouth, belted across the chops, smiles of sharp, coffin nails are my chagrin

I should have created flesh and bone to be immortal like the savior of men, son of God’s sin

Of a mouse and a man, life is not the soul but the form of the matter, IQ is to eat, fly and die

Wings don’t always work therefore, some can’t fly but just run or walk away, too high to fly.

Raised up out of diapers and plastic pants, waiting for a place to deposit the material world

I eat some of it daily, I drink my bodyweight in H2O and recycle the wealth into the sewers

Where what’s refused gets flushed and what remains is the philosophy of the Energy man

Without the inbound incoming there can be no outbound On, forms of beings oft human.

Some are viruses, bacteria, snakes, dogs and whales from the Earth, Wind and Fire alamode

They know who they are, whether I’m aware of them or not, before and after I cock my load

I’ve got some insane 396 cubic inches of metal containing explosions to move piston rods

Compressing carburated air and volatile fuel and igniting the controlled demolition of gods.

Conquering the fear and loathing to become the saint of me and you, stones roll uphill today

To get up to the top of the holy holes above volcanic eruptions, from the bowels of the Void

Sent to K-12 for the enculturation and adaption of the savage beast born to the innocent ones

99 percent of success is good enough to keep the 1 perent down underground, the 1 & dones!

Nothing after this life for the ones who believe with their 20/20 vision’s blindsided hindsight

Disgusting that youth is wasted on the young, that’s just a downright anti-evolutionary blight

Should have coded the DNA for infinite replacement of used matter, nobody asked me opine

When I was able, before the conception and birth, I was the infinite Will to Be, gold is mine.

Lead can be transmutated with the Word and elixir of divine nectar, flower, smoke & divorce

Inside the emptiness of the vacuumed void where all the quarks of atoms get to act real funky

Dancin’ and dematerializing right before the Big Bang solidifies the miracle of Gravity’s force

Ungounded upon dirty rocks that roll epididymal hypertension, ad infinitum, a blue-ball sea.

Species survival depends on the Way of the perihelion path of the 3rd Rock, it’s the way it is

Without the dream in tact, there’s no reaction afoot, just living, dead new moons, lunatic jizz

Guns loaded, canons aimed to destroy a beast within, no clue what It is but we ain’t one, son

As it was in the beginning at alpha’s Singularity, so it will be at the omega’s Event Horizon.

We were born, raised and taught to end the life of the others and save our own, to survive

As the fittest warriors who eliminate threats to the genome with efficiency and a high dive

From the upper eschelon of the mind’s eye, where angels fear to go ‘cause they never return

Black Holes’ groove to recover cosmic dust, Infinity’s regression to suck dust out of my urn!


r j j stephan, i

c. Thursday, May 14th, 2020 A.D. @ 5:55 AM PST

{ Thrashed about this wordplay leaving the best of the leftovers for the superhumane & listening to the desperate song of a yard bird singing for a lost mate, eaten and shat by a carnivore! & listenin’ to the Gratefuldeadshop.com of history on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/GD0xgD9f5Fk }




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