
Thursday, October 15, 2020

#GotTheFeverAndTheCure #AllINeedIsLove #WorldOfBeautyEcstasy #GroovinOnAThursdayAfternoon #SomeoneOpenedUpADoorForMe

Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, October 15, 2020
----- #LonelyTooLongToo -----
Realization heartache and heartthrob are not important, yields mating for survival of forms
In any lingo, sounds out of hot women and cool men blowin’ smoke from deep black holes
Long time in Space wasting for nothing anyone can put their fingers upon, acting in roles
Ignorance is the feeling of bliss about nothing, no worries at all, survival’s fittest is worms.

In or out of the atmosphere, the dream remains the same, “X’s” First Cause of special effects
World, the Earth, this planet rocks and rolls in the sanguine remnants of the remission to be
From this tiny speck of dust we shall rule the solar system and galaxy, it’s ll up to you and me
Queens and kings put out the lost stories to eek out their eternal Time, teaspoon swingin’ sex.

Put it all away deep n storage ready for retrieval at any given time, any moment now, let’s go
Around the world in circles just because there’s nothing else to do, you gotta be kiddin’ mojo
Brought y’all through the muck and mire because somebody had to do it, pray your karmas
Sensation of the thing itself’s Form occupies, that’s Life, what all the people say, pas & mas!

I found what I lost and then I gave it to a stranger who needed a buck, crumbled into a line
Slung the blade and fired the 9 over and over again for the master’s of the universe, it’s fine
Long time in Space wasting for nothing anyone can put their fingers upon, just fine like it is
I dreamt about the boogie woogie and me, rhythm and blues and the rocks fell up to ol’ Mars.

Death comes callin’ any time, comes and goes, sometimes takes a soul to it’s everlasting Ends
Rent to pay, food to eat, sleep to feel rested and forbidden from touching the skin and bones
Of other women and men who’re alive and blow gas/air in and out of the world’s lame brains
Sooner than letter, she will swallow the lines, the tripe and insignificant will triumph over It.

Certainty is a broken heart in the middle of Babylon, purple and gold destroying living dead
Forgetting about indiscretions and the guilt of acting selfishly, so you don’t forget about me
Sweet thing save my soul, take me home and tuck me into the arms of heaven, my 4 post bed
Forget about it all, clear of the metadata, nothing to recollect, nothing’s all about a holy Void.

To and from the sun’s atoms, we come and go like it or not, it’s what we are, shallow and deep
Nucleus to the Void of the Universe where I can’t go because I’m already there, as are sheep
Fame and fortune will delay the final moment of the fight for the good, bad and really ugly
On it, like I use to say when I knew the action to take and was ready to execute, Rascals see!

r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, ROCKTOBER 15TH, 2020 A.D. @ 3:33 PMPST
{ Drafted jam’ to Stapless #LetsDoItAgain @ https://youtu.be/OOHTaknPTek & #IllTakeYouThere @ https://youtu.be/6gpzVCFrKWk ...I will always get the good lovin’... }


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