
Saturday, January 09, 2021

#SomeBodyLoanMeADime @BozSkaggs & my choice of rockin' yo' ape inside! & @CarlosSantana #Devadip #100thMonkeys

Justice is a ham sandwich with mayo on light rye, kosher pickle on the side of a blown blunt
Right or left of the aisles between the middle road that covers the holy sewer lid love scent
All muck and mire is something that just happens, never in the 1st plan but it's the thing, man
Signs are out there on every side of your mind, in and out of the birthday presence trash can.

Orphans know better than children who hide feelings to avoid doom of a silly son of a bull
Calling youngsters divisive names cause alligator tears to water the revenge of a deplorable
Internetting & chit chatting with #bots in a poor, tiny world of motorheads' stone-deaf ears
Chilled in the oven but hot to trot in the deep freezer, planetary excellence killed the fears.

So, you die, your body's heart stops, doesn't resume the rhythm and beat, you taken the fifth?
One discernment in full awareness of a mind without a brain's empty soul myths from Eve's Adam
Cutthroat on your mind, at this future point of no return, your faith & hope pleases even Lilith
Divine monkeys, snakes, rocks, lava, magic acid's recombinant DNA from Earth's core of a dam.

In perspective yet out of clear focus, an astigmatic twist of the lens, to disrupt the light's focus
Apes to monkey around until the 99th monkey does what the 98th monkey did & caused a fuss
Pretending to be know it alls, the monkeys all died and left the naked apes all alone, cell phoned
Eventually the fruit they ate killed their innards, they laid around all day, ate and got so stoned.

Yo, there's rational arguments for the nature of the beast within us, not our fault, we're innocent
Never guilty for things done since everything is predisposed in Time & Space, light's signals sent
To be here and now with me and you, even if all the other apes forget, ghetto amnesia, my past
Ceremonies to remind the confounded innocents failed, Mass, Sacrifice & Crucify yo' mama fast!

Of these miraculous days and nights on the search for the mundane secret, myths of divine ages
God's dead, look at yourself, your imaginary image reflected by the light in the darkness of Space
Perfection just a pretend notion to shoot for, being just the DNA at random, love and marriages
On being the effect and result of random DNA recombination, got lucky, my heart's a yoyo ace!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, January 9th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 3:33 PMPST
{  Jammed out of the cerebral cortex while listenin' to @IsaacHayes #DoYourThing 20"version in a looplink @ https://youtu.be/G_RhJuh7VWs }


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