
Sunday, July 31, 2022

#StickThisInYourPipeAndSmokeIt #IdontCareEither @DarylsHouseClub @BrooksAndDunne @Joe_Walsh @PatrickStump @SammyHagar

Seriously incapable of being at One with the universal Nothing
Prayin' on my knees or sittin' in my wheelchair, fear the dying
Called my mother & father but they died decades ago, that long
It's not my fire & not my dream to care about Life's theme song.

I go where y'all went or are gonna go eventually, it ain't my fault
You need what you desire, it's a matter of your Will to Power, so
Just put your inherited mind, evolved from the angels' pride vault
Safely kept inside, locked in a three lock box, it's all get set to go.

Caring about this & that as the death inherited from buried bones
Without a penny or with an unlimited credit card without a balance
You all are gonna die, everyone of the infants & elder schizophrenics
Even if you're a priest, pope, a nun or a mother superior, not mine.

Now & then, look both ways before you cross Chi-town's Damen Ave
You forgot & the car ran you over, killed you, nobody's queer slave
Down the alley after the movie's over, on the stop to heaven's gate
Noticed they weren't #Pearly at all, just hillarious combination fate.

Lot in the Space between your ears, yo' conscious mind, spirit souls
Whatever the word, the sound you make with Ma, L.A. to ol' Dover
Rare as the bloody words in the smokey woods, on good & evil roles
From 1st conception to fnal deception, it's The Ends, it's a rollover.

Altar and Scout, member of the boys' club, allstar athlete's old age
Playin' around in church's 'hood, singin' songs, deliverin' news' to die
For headlines that can't be bought by the poor & the rich reportage
Fame and mortality are equally forgotten in a flash, need?  Ouila!

Infant daughters needing and wanting what father's can arrange in it
Above or below this Earth's dirt, daddio will always be in the music
Not a stranger met on the street as date night swung, tic toc tic
Time movin' moment to century, already gone, down a middle road.

Hunger for King Tut fruits of knowledge trees, you never know chit
Maybe you've comprehended the Truth, maybe not, maybe, maybe so
In any case, you won't know anything the day after you die, check it
When you got an upper hand, can you smoke, suck & blow s#it up?

Negative words all written in red, in the good book, a boat to row
Before the slaves built the pyramids from ground to above the sky
Old stinkin' men enslaved the others away from the lakes and rivers
Nothing to do with the stink, they stank, we all stunk, heads bow.

Slow ride in a hearse or lost at sea, underwater or under hard rock
Omega in front of blinded eyes that can't see in the darkness' block
Behind a Force, high power there in a 3rd eye of an infinite love hag
Bad, Good & Ugly are the Beautiful forms of DNA in a jag's handbag.

Who doesn't die & believes you can breathe without air or 2 lungs?
Everything's set in the code, the RNA is the acid of Cheech Chongs
Higher than the lower eschelon, eyes raised above high theme's slap
Blinded by faith in the unseen, babies believe in ghosts, it's a trap.

Georgia to California, Navy, Air Force & Marines not dead, old '70
Men & women who gave up some of their Time on Earth for y'all
Freedom never was free, you had to snatch it from a Masters' Bawl
Now you know, Caesar and Cleo got you babe, cry, God's Dead Sea.

r j j  stephan, i  
c.  Dimanche, July XXXI, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{ Kicked this little mama out at 6 AM while jammin' to @KikBrooks & @RonnieDunn link @ https://youtu.be/X5z-jjWyAJQ }
Cheryl LaPiere
Cher Bono
Cherilyn Sarkisian La Piere Bono Allman

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