
Wednesday, August 03, 2022

#TowerOfPower50Years #AintNoJoke #FoundTheOaklandStroke #SmokeLand

Set in my 360 degree ways around the circle of life, it's a geometric figure of The Happy Lives
Mind over the matters left over from the forefathers and mothers of a brothers' wives' hives
More to life than what you & I can see, therefore, blind faith is a necessary condtion of bread
Or just seven shots of Tequilla on a dare, no more falling down, hit my head & dropped dead.

Lost and found it in the words I never read, just thumped hard down on the paper & ink blots
Nevermore will this way be the way it is for me right now, it's the best it's ever been, for tots
Little children up to the time they get to the place in Space where you skip to the Dead's Sea
No step, no cliff off of the mountaintop, just a whimper and frozen stare at farewell's eternity.

Special operation for the miracle to divide and conquer the mates of the queer folk, last gasp
For the air ain't free to me or to you or anybody here, now. way back or up ahead up your asp
Snake is what I meant not what you thought you read, that's what YOU said, it's written in red
Like the color, the hue of blue blood when it hits the oxygen of air, leakin' 5 pints gets IT dead.

Summer ends, Fall sways to Winter & onto another Spring, for better or worse, it is The Way
Slow ride in a Hearse only if you're lucky, it may be just a dumptruck at a recycle of the Play
This momentary lapse of rationality for the sake of avoiding the insanity thinkin' you're crazy
Of course, you may have found the secret to Life, temporary, never infinite, it's Why I'm lazy!

At one or at rest, ready for unavoidable cruises upon a hot mess of uncertainty, on autoglide
Came into the egg with the gamete of evolved, divine laughter about tickets to the other side
Ain't for me or for you that the Truth is hidden, there is None, that's why it's a secret hideout
Inside the womb room or the 3-Lock Box, tight as a drum so the spirit don't get try to get out.

Monkeys with the pox or without them, maybe Cro-Magnon pox is the problem, Nothing fixed
It's all the same before & after you get a chance to be conscious of your existence, got your six
You need One to be concerned for your punk-ass when you ain't lookin', shape matter's form
More or less the Truth about Justice is that it's a ham sandwich on white, to feed a tapeworm.

I held her closer than my skin on my own bones, inside of the blood flow of mercury red, I am
No more than this I can see or believe, just her, who I see and feel, I believe & I think I know it
Apemen or men of the gods, all the same dirt & bone in a bag of thin skin, amazing grace scam
Giving it all and getting nothing in return, It's the name of the game, then It's all over, a caput!

r j j  stephan, i

c.  Mercredi, August IIIrd, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST

{ Created from the dust of my thought, listenin' to @BrooksAndDunne #IBelieve #HappyBirthday @Gregory_Stopka (CuzFromChi) on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/X5z-jjWyAJQ }

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