
Saturday, August 06, 2022

#PhilosophersStones #SiSePuede @CarlosSantana @WARtheBand #HookAtTheFinale #AOK @EinsteinRelatives #NeutronStars #BlackHoles #OvertonWindows

Stay alive for the dream to come true, when you're dead, so's the dream, have faith
Truth is like that, a matter of forming something in the middle of nowhere, a wraith
Thing itself unidentified flying, burrowing agent makin' love's round holes downunders
As above so below, the same things are goin' on, nothing above, nothing below utters.

Yelled HELP in a crowded theater, FIRE in an empty playhouse, it's all Good & my Evil
Stampeding idiots and morons stepping upon the fallen rather than helping them up
Humanity's all too human response to panic, stayin' alive when it's time to flee or kill
Nobody wants to be the sacrifice to someone's barbeque, surprises in store buttercup.

Alive or dead, any memory of our ancestral heritage origin is 200 years more or less
Before that inheritance of our DNA for this trip, spinnin' on a dirty ball of speed chess
Gettin' nowhere, goin' nowhere from the get-go, it's come down to survival of the fit
I am the most fit to defend against the nutcases & random Randos comin' or doin' it.

Last gasp far ahead or maybe today, who the Hades has an idea other than God's fate
Dream is real, you're in it, I'm in it, we're all in it, alive and dead, somnambolistic date
That's today, this day you & I wake up and become the #Woke, for the good of the Sex
It's OK to reproduce the species but not say the word, SEX, to substantiate it via FedEx.

Fathers just the sons of mothers who crafted the orgasm to become one of the many
This means you & I, we're the orgasm of our fathers, lucky to have survived insanity
When you're locked within and ready to be born into the light, well there you go again
Time and Space and then Nothing at all, that's the fate of consciousness, mindful Zen.

Now then, in the downward dog of the backward cats who are just kits in the kaboodle
Monsters or the food for the thoughts of the dancin' Mexican jumpin' beans' taco Bell
In any case, it's a tautological argument without a counter-example or disproof of One
Many can't be imagined without the complement of a One added to the concept, son.

Fruit in the garden of Eden's In & Out hamburger & ice shake joint on all four corners
Can't eat the apple, the sign of power, knowledge of the status of the universe's verse
Rhyme or not, it's lookin' the other way on the prose that supposes you can't get blue
Or red or white flagged, corpse dissolved into thin air, oxygen & CO2, all yours, YOU!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, August VIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
{ Drafted while I looped #StayinAlive by the @BeeGees on youTube, suffer with me @ https://youtu.be/z2qoihbzc3E & @WARtheBAND #TheWorldIsAGhetto @ https://youtu.be/VmheOZtLn3U }

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