
Friday, August 05, 2022

#GoingDown #PortOrStarboardSides #Overboarded #ScoredGrandSlammer


Born to be more wild than your mother & father at the Woodstock, NY farm
Certainty is uncertain & only you know like I know the meanng of the swarm
To be or not to be matters little or nothing at all when locked behind my lies
Unseen without any accent when the world is high and dry, when a hobo dies.

But of course there's always yesterday when all troubles were so far away
Dogs and cats, birds and bees and flowers' seeds all make the world a ball
Of rats who creep at ground level & their better placed roof rat riff-raff
All of them here waiting for the humans to become extinct, they'll then roll.

Cooks and the cleaners who make the order a way to obfuscate a chaos tea
Disposed of chafe in the middle of nowhere, as a floating spirit on open sea
Gas fired, burned & smoke left after the incineration, lying in an urn's dust
I know what I have in the speed and outer limits of the thing itself, I must!

More of the idiots than their parents counted on, limited in intelligence potion
No more nor less than the DNA allows, it's random recombination of the Sin
Meaning an obedience to an Origin author or a random suffering & sheer zeal
Worry and stress are the Way to keep you alive, to survive & not be a meal.

Thoughts occured in the place inside of the head that allows retrieval at will
Sunk down into the bottom of a crazy barrel of monkeys who make my faces
Sometimes funny like a clown, times serious as a heartattack surprise, a sin
Shock and Awe is a given to the old man, no opinion for young or old women.

Beans thrown out an Overton window during a dream's stairway heaven's gate
It's true but it hasn't happened yet, wait, it will whether or not you like fate
It's all a witness' fate, see it, a thing, relate this experience to apes, shutup
Reason for the nakedness int he naked cities, monkeys out of control coverup.

Neighbors and random randos who live & die without pulling their heavy weight
All the desperate men outnumber the women, boys grew into men without dad
A secure border will be defended by the Freedom that's ringin' the liberty It
Unknown soldiers & known battles & wars alike fought with pen & gun, no-shit!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, August Vth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Balls rolled on the ground without gravity while the whole world sucked & I was listenin' to #IDontCare @DarylsHouseClub with @Patrick_Stump link @ https://youtu.be/YNfKL2jCO-8 }

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