

Monday, August 01, 2022

#GovernmentMule #BrooksAndDunne @GaryClarkJr #Springsteen

I lied & I laughed, I believed with the blindest of faith, trust I give to Truth absolute, the bomb
Of the tiny mice and big, fat men who rule the tower of babble, it is the name of the ol' tomb
Your parents are AWOL, you're hungry and either beg, borrow or steal, The Life is on the blink
Not because you're bad, evil or mean but just because you think you don't ever have to think.

Speaking of the revolution, Earth's just another planet spinnin' around the sun?  So glad now?
Addicted to Nothing, need as much as I can absorb in a Chucky Cheesehead ignorant C.O.W.
Girls and boys in the rooms they've designated as with pants or with a skirt, one or the other
A mean tweet back in the 1960's meant that there was a nasty bird out of the nest, brother.

It may have been your mother or father, sister, brother, maybe a cousin or a besty old friend
Many or one who matters the most, all of them, every single individual who I will now offend
China has a billion boys & girls growning into mean tweets from the cyberspace of olden gods
Where do you send your army & navy if you want to protect the silver & gold from the duds?

Let us roll away from the hand like a holy bowling ball on a Thursday night, where's my dad?
He bowled with the shoes & the ball of his free choice, a league of firemen and truck drivers
Steal property of others who mean nothing to a heathens' bottom which only produces Hell
Fire that is modified by the H2O, dirt that's mutated by the androids who programmed a Fall.

Muscles & sinews holding the weight & mass together in a bag of bones to be or not to be
Buried, burnt, compressed into infinity inside with the insiders and just One outsider, Me
I am what has always been known as the End of The World, you're welcome, & I thank you!
For a word to the wise may be a phrase, sentence or body's volume of work, You, the blue.

r j j  stephan, i  #420 timing is everything!
c.  Lundi, August First, Twenty-Twenty-Two Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
{ Transferred out of the grey matter in this form, matter & form is all there is & here is the only part you need to get on with your Day, 50/50 chance it's your LAST...enjoy #IBelieve by @KikBrooks & @RonnieDunne the LINK @ https://youtu.be/X5z-jjWyAJQ }

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