Space and Time are relative to whether or not you’re awake & seeing the inner light, it shinesBrighter than that daylight pokin’ through your shades and blinds, it’s never midnight, it’s noon
High noon just like back in the day when the darkness remained 24/7, the Earth stopped the spin
Poked around in Space for millennia, dropped off in the middle of nowhere, with nothing’s skin.
Calculated the functional analysis of scat I never even heard of, very charming to have top secrets
Occult knowledge of the magic that re-calibrates nature’s random recombination of DNA’s product
Apes runnin’ the show from outside of the cages, in some cases above and below the planet’s sea
H2O, nitrogen & carbon dioxide makin’ the acid too hot to handle with bare hands, revolutionary.
Chlorine comin’ to the rescue of the good, bad & uglier than your ma & pa, I had such a pretty face
To kiss and dance around while the fiddle is sawin’ the turkey in the straw for the hee haw of it all
Monks came out of the caves to see this phenomenal display of creation, a funeral procession pace
Heed the creed to believe in the incredible and deny the obviously transparent, the Truth of Days.
Weeks, months, years, decades don’t literally fly by but they could if they so desired, as if I’m One
I know what I know, I think therefore I am here & now, period, it’s not negotiable with the minions
Act 1 through Act 3 becomes the gist of the long story so short, in 2 hours, I am born then I lie dead
Seems as if there’s a ruse going on, for my benefit, knowing that I will destroy the cosmos with lead.
Blown-up balloons and bombs are away, out of the B1’s & B52’s full of bonified atomic weapon TNT
To drop from heaven as if it was the gods comin’ down with the hell’s fire from the bottom of the pit
I am what we all are, colossal funk on the skull & bones of a cool rock in the middle of nowhere, now
What I am is what I am is what you are, holy god crazy? Nothing else is possible, Truth is, Man’s a cow!
Ennui hits you before you become woke, you lost your parents’ directing your action and reaction hits
To the Causes and Effects done for your imagination to scramble for the meaning to become legit ‘Its’
Subjects predicating objects in phrases, sentences, paragraphs & chapters of sagas behind the Schlitz
Little and the elder ones who grew from a pebble, a stone, a rockin’ chip off of the old block of Fizz.
Some girls know what I’m talkin’ about & some don’t, smile like you know, it’s alright, alright, alright
Buckle up buttercup and get ready to rock and roll the night & day from here on out to the orgasm fight
Crushed into a pancake & then exploded into the essence of an old man’s salty sea, brave men feared It
Respect for the life and the death that could be seen if you had your eyes wide open, let’s cry for stupid!
r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, June XX2nd MMXXIII AD @ 1919 PMPST
{ Drafted as I lay dying & on an @EricChurch #HITS link @ }
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