
Wednesday, August 31, 2022

#SkippedToMyLuLu #PeriodsQuestionMarked #DoomMood #CupOSpit #RidingHigh #JackEmUp

Sanity grindin' insanity's community judgement means following the commands' holy rules
Injected the venom prior to the birth of everyone alive, the believers believe in dead tools
Which were those lucky enough to survive childbirth both bearing and being born, in a skit
Absolutely nobody's fault that this accident of nature has merged to self-contemplate chit.

Missing nobody from the recent or distant past because of my condition, instant amnesia
As soon as I don't see a face for one whole day, I forget the appearance & the name vanishes
Straight out of my short term and long term recollection, it's a gift from the gods' misfortune
Can do what they can't do, live on Earth with immortal power to cause effects under the sun.

No special talent within me, any more than any other alive by the grace of the divine unsent
But here I am, there you are, I jumped off of my father's garage roofs until it burnt to a tent
I don't know why, Chicago bad guys turned into the good guys of the Cherokee nation's kin
Clash of the powers negative and positive, despair vs. happiness, logrhythm of mortality sin.

So is no therefore, it's a passing word that's not a place or a thing but it is a substitute to me
I don't know anything at all, beginning there, the 'so' word gets the listener in the mood too
Then I'll laugh at you and your thoughts and words, spoken and written, your mind's blue
Kick your arse, cry like a baby with tears runnin' like a river down your cheeks, be dead free.

Of your conscious memories held within, your forgotten recollections held away a burn pit
In the middle of the dream, do not wake up in the phone booth without any way out of it
Smoked the leaf, contents filled the ganglia in every cell of every organ, bone to brain too
Recollect your lost memory you never had, improbably impossible or vice versa, Owl Who?

Bums showered, shaved, dressed in macy's finest styles for 2022 mankind, made in China
Or Hungary, Austria or maybe in the good old USA, at least that is what's printed, Medina
It all comes and goes so very quickly, you chill and then gettin' down in the warmth charm
Went over to my girl, she moved me away and then called me right back, she got my arm.

It's funk on my lap, the poodles and pinchers findin' the cats rollin' up and down my town
Got the groove in my grip and it was a bigger mistake than I thought it'd be, it was so funky
Plan went down like there never was one, no joke, it's all goin' down now, I cannot be dead
It ain't my fault either, dream ends for #FunkyColdMedina too, #WokeSleep #SlipKnothead.

Sickle meant to chop the wheat to separate it from the chaffe, used the waste to get there
Recycle your meat and bones into the cosmic menudo, it's such an honor and tribute to me
Thought my Ego was all there ever was & all there ever would be, you look for what you eat
Just like me and everything else alive, we all have to eat someone, something, somewhere.

Boredom occurs only when satiated appetites are dead or hungry for nothing, thirsty for me
H2O is all you care about, you're made of over half of your form is shaped by the olden dead
Acid mixed up in anthropomorphic slendor, shaping one cell into a masterpiece of dead meat
Air goes in and out, it better be the right dose or you'll suffocate, avoid doom, approach 100.

Split your neutrons mankind, you'll get the Singularity black hole, a solar system's fallen dams
You are the First Cause of the Ends, be proud and loud, boys and girls, men & women, all fast
On the other hand, athiests rule the dirty mud below the feet of the innocent babes &  lambs
I shall fade as I arrived, slowly but surely while the future turns to present & that flash to past.

Still here and now after the annhilation of soft bones inside your skin, crushed mind to dust
Excellent recall even if there's no hardware, all software survives beyond the matrix' big fuss
Empty tanks, sunset all gone, darkness to ride from star to star, gettin' super, man, so tough
Fixed up the games so I always won the championship, let the competetion be, not enough.

Once upon a time there was the Ends, we're all gonna go, we're all gonna get there someday
Sooner or later, the birds and bees rob your childhood while your besties snitch on yo' jivass
Preachin' to the choir ain't workin' when they're dead broke, nothin' to do but get cavities
Need the teeth, bad breath keepin' the girls far away from my kiss, no bliss for me, yo, hey.

Blinkin' my cross-eyes and seein' things where they never were, couldn't find 'em if I tried
On her knees gets no attention from me, I've got places to go, events to causes and effects
Monkeys await the power of Ape, thinking therefore it is, whatever that is,  COvid do you in
Disease for the thank you please, close shave for the ninth life of the cat, it's all still comin'.

Herbs and spices from the far West of my eastern blue hills to my galley in Monterey's bay
Broken heart brought me to the fix, the fix was always in before and after I knew it, now say
More down the road of ways to stay out of the trouble that gets law and order to command
Your errant ways chosen by free will, when you know the rules, laws of long arms & a hand.

Brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts, their kids my cousins, honoring a record of the year good
Evil-Ugly got their own particularity, specifically in tune with the back beats & gourmet food
Along the line of where I'm headed, you're there near that hole in the wall, goodbye ramjam
Burnin' a flyby because I can, my smoke you see from the fire, where I was ain't where I am.

A seamist from the Pacific Ocean blows on through Monterey Bay to me in the little tomatos
Sacramento ain't just part of the pimentos, it's the place where gold came from bullit blows
Shots for everyone in and out of the saloons, there's a need for a #Heavy's bells and whistles
Like the dreamer of the dream, One that supplies heroes & villains for all matrix' expendables.

Extinction of your memory that your mother had about you & yours, that's all of the above Sin
And below the jiving, hysterical loads of uncontrolled good, bad & ugly, all high on outerspace
This is where the aliens come from other galaxies to see what this species does on Earth's spin
All animals and plants I've eaten from pablum to Thanksgiving & Passover, all too human race.

Love the only substitute for being One & all alone in the whole universe, all stars in between
No place for no hero here, now or then and there, a Void outside of a lack of liquidated gas
Fools and sheep all go the same way in the flock, tryin' to get into the cattle herd's hot grass
Dead and gone in the valley, buried underground until the ground shook, earth is quaking.

Murder or defending my country from foreign and domestic enemies to the powers, I am
We the people, in order to form a more perfect union than the perfect One, establish Justice
A ham sandwich is sufficient and necessary for the mayo to sink into the wheat or rye Spam
I ain't no hero, this ain't no place even if I was, watch the home, eye on the prize, One slice.

Miracles abound 'round 'bout 360 degrees from the Singularity, inbred divinity mutations
We the people of the animated bones in and on the Earth, we all live and die for nothing
All for Nothing and Nothing for all, it's all there is, read a book, believe holy, cool humans
Ready and get set to go because if you don't get on your mark, parody the game, I'll sing.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, August XXXIst, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 2:22 PMPST
{ Jammed while gittin' full of It @Big_Smo @Alexander_King #MyNeighbors loopin' youTube #Jambolaya @ https://youtu.be/DbfOXrQ0N84 & #PorchHonky @MoccasinCreek https://youtu.be/xIAhzRR_I14 }

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